Alix Goss

Bob Dieterle

Patrick Murta

Tim Young

Danielle Friend

Dan Chaput

Alex Kontur


Environmental Scan One-pager Outline


Bob – Tiger Team created a list of exemplary organizations that provide/inform directory/endpoint services and scaling services. Organized the list based on how relevant we felt they are to our work. Goal is to have members of the Tiger Team create one-pagers describing each organization to better determine which are most relevant as a model solution/learning opportunity


  1. Organization
    1. Murta – indicate what industry they are in…many of the orgs we identified aren’t in healthcare and/or won’t use FHIR
  2. Web page/URL
  3. Why are they considered relevant
  4. Relevant services provided
    1. Whether they offer/plan to offer FHIR services
    2. Alix – which standards/versions of standards are supported

                                         i.    Bob – content standards

  1. Bob – exchange methods
  2. Bob – trust frameworks
  3. Whether they are involved in a P2 FHIR Task Force Tiger Team
  4. Method by which information about the organization was discovered (e.g. search, contact w/org, information from a third-party)
  5. Client examples (who are they providing services to)
  6. Alix – whether the organization can offer any lessons learned or potential synergies
  7. Point of contact


One-pager Assignments


eHealth Exchange – Alex Kontur

DirectTrust – Patrick Murta

Surescripts – Danielle Friend

Commonwell – Tim Young

DNS Model – Patrick Murta

Travel industry/insurance – Dan Chaput

Clearinghouses – Bob Dieterle


Brainstorming Summary Document


Bob – What are other Tiger Teams working on that we have to consider in the work we’re doing in the Directory Tiger Team?

  • Identity – how do I look up endpoints, scaling implications
  • Security – security to reach endpoint, security defined as part of endpoint services, scaling implications, trust frameworks
  • Exchange standards - metadata
    • Murta – do transactions need metadata/enveloping? Early biases against it
      • Bob – may be required for sending data to an intermediary for routing to an appropriate endpoint. What about if an intermediary modifies or transforms content…how do we indicate that changes were made?
  • Testing/certification – how to indicate certification status in a directory, how to indicate testing endpoints in a directory
  • Pilots – feedback and lessons learned



Bob – value-added intermediary services in the FHIR model. What services do we need to help make the environment work properly?

  • Murta – routing, endpoint discovery
  • Bob – data aggregation for presentation, data conversion (e.g. versioning, alternate content formats e.g. v2 to FHIR), redaction for sensitive information, labeling for sensitive information
  • Murta – quality scoring, report card services (e.g. quality of the content, conformance checks)
  • Murta – state maintenance (e.g. if you are routing through an intermediary and if one of two parties in the transaction can’t process the message, the intermediary returns an error or response)
    • Bob – capability for maintaining context of transactions (even if stateless); everything isn’t necessarily accomplished in the context of a synchronous transaction
  • Murta – relationship management
    • Bob – onboarding, identity verification, capability
    • Murta – certificate management
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