FAST Supports Scalability of FHIR
The FHIR at Scale Taskforce (FAST) is an initiative led by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC.FAST has brought together a highly representative group of motivated healthcare industry stakeholders and health information technology experts to identify Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) scalability gaps and define solutions to address current barriers and identify needed infrastructure for scalable FHIR solutions.
FAST approached its work by first analyzing FHIR pilots, prototypes and functional use cases already underway to evaluate potential trouble spots. Tiger Teams then considered and documented various approaches and solutions. These proposed solutions were then socialized through the FAST Technical Learning Community (TLC), conference presentations, collaborative SME Sessions and Connectathons. FAST work continues as the teams execute the FAST Action Plan in order to transform FAST solution concepts into actionable and implementable forms whether HL7 Implementations Guides, industry guidance or assets.