The next testing session is on Thursday, June 14th.

When: 10 am Eastern Time to 5 pm Eastern time (times may be slotted for particular testing, but we plan to start all together).

Tentative schedule

10 am Eastern/ 9 am Central/ 7 am Pacific: Initial call-in and confirming the schedule

1pm Eastern/ Noon Central/ 10 am Pacific: 1st check-in call, status updates

3 pm Eastern/ 2 pm Central/noon Pacific: Final check-in call, wrap up

How: We will use this Webex link to help with communications during testing. Meeting Number is 992 095 345, if prompted. Audio Connection: 202.774.2300, Access Code: 992 095 345

What: Iron out Direct communications, test out workflows as described in Appendix D of the 360X Implementation Guide, test handling of possible error conditions:

  • Initiator receives a referral accept message without previously sending referral request message
  • Initiator receives a referral decline message without previously sending referral request message
  • Initiator receives an intermediate results message without previously sending referral request message
  • Initiator receives a referral complete message (close the loop) without previously sending referral request message
  • Initiator receives an intermediate results message after previously receiving referral complete message (close the loop)
  • Initiator or recipient receives any post-initiate message with correct referral ID, but different patient ID
  • Initiator or recipient receives any post-initiate message with unknown referral identifier
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