Blog from June, 2018

The next testing session is on Thursday, June 14th.

When: 10 am Eastern Time to 5 pm Eastern time (times may be slotted for particular testing, but we plan to start all together).

Tentative schedule

10 am Eastern/ 9 am Central/ 7 am Pacific: Initial call-in and confirming the schedule

1pm Eastern/ Noon Central/ 10 am Pacific: 1st check-in call, status updates

3 pm Eastern/ 2 pm Central/noon Pacific: Final check-in call, wrap up

How: We will use this Webex link to help with communications during testing. Meeting Number is 992 095 345, if prompted. Audio Connection: 202.774.2300, Access Code: 992 095 345

What: Iron out Direct communications, test out workflows as described in Appendix D of the 360X Implementation Guide, test handling of possible error conditions:

  • Initiator receives a referral accept message without previously sending referral request message
  • Initiator receives a referral decline message without previously sending referral request message
  • Initiator receives an intermediate results message without previously sending referral request message
  • Initiator receives a referral complete message (close the loop) without previously sending referral request message
  • Initiator receives an intermediate results message after previously receiving referral complete message (close the loop)
  • Initiator or recipient receives any post-initiate message with correct referral ID, but different patient ID
  • Initiator or recipient receives any post-initiate message with unknown referral identifier

Short meeting with the following updates:

  1. Testing was continuing on exchanging messages between different HISPs. We discovered some properties that need to be corrected in the Epic certificates, and will continue testing after this meeting
  2. The ONC Interoperability Forum will be on August 6th to 8th in Washington DC. there will be an opportunity to present updates on the 360X project, and possibly have a demo. Details will be discussed as information becomes available.
  3. For the testing on Thursday, June 14, we will test messages to Epic, and scrutinize the contents of the XDM packages.