Within the eCQM xml files form the April 2014 measure specification release, it appears that ED measures follow the path of /.../particpant/roleParticipant/effectiveTime/low/ to find the Facility Location Arrival Datetime. There are two issues:
1. "roleParticipant" does not seem to be a valid tag name. CONF:13372 requires a "participantRole" tag.
2. Even if we consider "participantRole", I do not see a CONF code for "effectiveTime" tag within "participantRole". According to DSTU R2, Facility location Arrival datetime should be found under /.../participant/time/low.
If this is correct, for the 2015 reporting year, does this mean that strict evaluation by the eCQM xml would be incapable of evaluating timing elements from ED-1, ED-2, and ED-3 measures?