Resolution: Answered
Section 2.5 of QDM 5.6 states "Only the category and context of the QDM data element with its related value set or direct reference code displays in the HQMF."
For MAT, this has been interpreted to mean that QDM data types related to CQL retrieves which do not specify a filter (value set or direct reference code) e.g., ["Physical Exam, Performed"] are not added to the HQMF that MAT generates. Consequently, when Bonnie reads the HQMF, it does not list that QDM data type among the pallet of QDM data types to available to use when building a patient for testing the measure. Measures that use CQL retrieves without a filter cannot be fully tested in Bonnie.
The XML Schema for HQMF does not require the XML element which is used to show the value set OID; the cardinality is minOccurs="0".
None of the AU measures use a CQL retrieve without a filter, so this issue has not surfaced or been a problem. This limitation may not be an issue for 2022 Annual Update (AU) measures, but that remains to be seen.
This was an issue for FHIR measures, but it was fixed: https://github.com/MeasureAuthoringTool/MeasureAuthoringTool/pull/580
Related to https://oncprojectracking.healthit.gov/support/browse/BONNIEMAT-904
CQL Retrieve filters:
- Blocks
MADIE-904 UAT Bonnie QDM 5.6 - Cohort measure
- Closed
MADIE-1705 Test Cases for retrieves without valueset filter
- Closed
- relates to
MADIE-1705 Test Cases for retrieves without valueset filter
- Closed