Resolution: Delivered
Care Goal, Communication: From Patient to Provider, Communication: From Provider to Patient, Communication: From Provider to Provider, Device Applied, Device, Adverse Event, Device, Allergy, Device, Intolerance, Device, Order, Device, Recommended, Diagnostic Study, Adverse Event, Diagnostic Study, Intolerance, Diagnostic Study, Order, Diagnostic Study, Performed, Diagnostic Study, Recommended, Encounter, Active, Encounter, Order, Encounter, Performed, Encounter, Recommended, Functional Status, Order, Functional Status, Performed, Functional Status, Recommended, Intervention, Adverse Event, Intervention, Intolerance, Intervention, Order, Intervention, Performed, Intervention, Recommended, Laboratory Test, Adverse Event, Laboratory Test, Intolerance, Laboratory Test, Order, Laboratory Test, Performed, Laboratory Test, Recommended, Medication, Active, Medication, Administered, Medication, Adverse Effects, Medication, Allergy, Medication, Discharge, Medication, Dispensed, Medication, Intolerance, Medication, Order, Patient Characteristic, Patient Characteristic Birth Date, Patient Characteristic, Clinical Trial Participant, Patient Characteristic, Ethnicity, Patient Characteristic, Expired, Patient Characteristic, Payer, Patient Characteristic, Race, Patient Characteristic, Sex, Physical Exam, Order, Physical Exam, Performed, Physical Exam, Recommended, Procedure, Adverse Event, Procedure, Intolerance, Procedure, Order, Procedure, Performed, Procedure, Recommended, Provider Characteristic, Risk Category Assessment, Substance, Administered, Substance, Adverse Event, Substance, Allergy, Substance, Intolerance, Substance, Order, Substance, Recommended, Transfer From, Transfer To
Patient Preference and Provider Preference attributes are available on nearly every QDM datatype, but are not used in a single published MU2 measure. Many users have expressed confusion regarding these attributes, especially in cases that don't have any clear meaning (e.g., Diagnosis, Active).
The QDM user group should review every datatype and consider removing Patient Preference and/or Provider Preference as appropriate.
+ QDM User Group Accepted Solution (May 2015)+
Remove patient preference and provider preference entirely from the QDM.