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  1. MADiE Issue Tracker
  2. MADIE-2014

UCUM Validation for QDM impacts PCMaternal EGA test cases.


    • MADiE
    • QDM
    • Elective Delivery v13.0.0
    • QDM/CQL
    • Can not enter new test cases with EGA as 'weeks'. Impacts 2024, 2025 for QDM Perinatal Care measures.

      During analysis of CQLIT-479 re Labor timing element for Elective Delivery, an issue was noted when entering test case data element for "LastEstimatedGestationalAge" as a quantity.  Test cases in Bonnie could enter 38 'weeks' but in MADiE QDM validation will not accept 'weeks' since is not UCUM.  Measure reporter MBreth@jointcommission.org could not be added as a watcher, please add as watcher and contact if more detail is needed..

      Impact: Test cases imported from Bonnie QDM may contain 'weeks' but those cases cannot be manually entered in MADiE. Quantity results for Estimated Gestational Age do not meet logic criteria.

      Validation error message noted during test case entry:
      "weeks is not a valid UCUM code. We found possible units that might be what was meant:: wk, /wk, mg/wk,"

      Snippet from ElectiveDelivery v13.0.0:
      define "Delivery Encounter with Estimated Gestational Age Greater than or Equal to 37 Weeks and Less than 39 Weeks":
        PCMaternal."Delivery Encounter with Age Range" DeliveryEncounter
          where PCMaternal."CalculatedGestationalAge" ( DeliveryEncounter ) is null
            and ( PCMaternal."LastEstimatedGestationalAge" ( DeliveryEncounter ) >= 37 weeks
                and PCMaternal."LastEstimatedGestationalAge" ( DeliveryEncounter ) < 39 weeks
      Snippet from ElectiveDelivery v13.0.0:
      define function "LastEstimatedGestationalAge"(Encounter "Encounter, Performed" ):
        Last(["Assessment, Performed": "Estimated Gestational Age at Delivery"] EstimatedGestationalAge
            let EGATiming: Global."EarliestOf"(EstimatedGestationalAge.relevantDatetime, EstimatedGestationalAge.relevantPeriod)
            where(EGATiming 24 hours or less before or on "LastTimeOfDelivery"(Encounter)
                and EstimatedGestationalAge.result is not null
              or(EGATiming same day as "LastTimeOfDelivery"(Encounter)
                  and EGATiming during "HospitalizationWithEDOBTriageObservation"(Encounter)
                  and EstimatedGestationalAge.result is not null
            sort by Global."EarliestOf"(relevantDatetime, relevantPeriod)
        ).result as Quantity

      This issue was discussed today in FHIRside Chat with Bryn, Yan, Floyd and Jen:
      Bryn indicated that CQL weeks is appropriate for calendar unit timing and that QDM does not specify UCUM as required.
      Bryn pointed out that QICore/FHIR utilize FHIRHelpers ToCalendarUnit() to convert 'wk' to 'weeks'.
      Yan indicated that Receiving systems have been accepting 'weeks' for the maternal measures in QDM.
      Bryn recommended that the UCUM validation constraint be eased for the case of 'weeks' vs 'wk' in MADiE.

      Thank you
      PMuir MD   eCQM Standards Team

        1. notUCUM.png
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        2. UCUM.png
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            Heather.Frideres Heather Frideres
            pjmuirESAC Peter Muir
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