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  1. MADiE Issue Tracker
  2. MADIE-1840

MADiE missing test deck


    • MADiE
    • QI Core
    • Controlling High Blood PressureFHIR
    • QI Core/CQL
    • Losing completed PY2025 deliverables due 5/2/2024 and slowing progress for other measures also needing similar test cases to meet 100% coverage for shared content (e.g., CQL libraries)
    • Show
      https://oncprojectracking.healthit.gov/support/browse/BONNIEMAT-1852 (in case relevant)
    • Yes

      My entire test deck for CMS165FHIR is currently missing. Other users with shared access to this measure is also seeing the same thing. I am using this test deck for multiple purposes and did not save an export. Please assist ASAP. Thank you.

        1. image-2024-04-24-12-42-41-085.png
          151 kB
          Dorothy Lee
        2. image-2024-04-26-13-26-39-143.png
          57 kB
          Chandra Bartleman
        3. image-2024-04-26-13-26-54-025.png
          38 kB
          Chandra Bartleman
        4. image-2024-04-26-13-27-06-591.png
          243 kB
          Chandra Bartleman
        5. Snag_69ddac5.png
          175 kB
          Dorothy Lee

            cbartleman@telligen.com Chandra Bartleman
            dlee38 Dorothy Lee
            0 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue
