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  1. MADiE Issue Tracker
  2. MADIE-1844

MADiE test deck UI and JSON reconciliation for imports


    • MADiE
    • QI Core
    • QI Core/CQL
    • Impacts PY2025 measure test deck re-imports into MADiE. Test decks with same Patient family/given names in JSON shouldn't impact usage/executions beyond MADiE.
    • MADiE 1.4.2
    • Yes

      Recent information in BONNIEMAT-1840 provides more clarity on how the QICore test deck import/export functionality works than previous guidance in BONNIEMAT-1650. In short, Test case Group and Title Name (in MADIE UI) and Test case Patient family and given name (in JSON) need to match.

      • "While importing we map the Given name in the JSON to Title and Family name to Group, if this combination is not unique then MADiE will not be able to create a test case. While exporting from MADiE, we just export the content in Test Case resource bundle (JSON). Since every json for this particular measure had the same Given and Family Name (Bertha, Betty), while importing the combination was no longer unique.
      • Please see the screen shot below of the json and the UI that need to match prior to export. It is important to note that you are not prevented from entering a duplicate family and given name directly into the JSON, but you are prevented from doing so in the UI. We suspect you have copied and pasted a json and updated accordingly to meet the purpose of your test case, which is why you had several test cases where the family and given name in the json was Bertha, Betty."

      When updating/creating test cases, we only assign unique Bundle id names (in JSON) and unique Test Case Group and Title names (in UI). We keep Patient family/given names in JSON the same, because they are not relevant to logic testing. Our current workflow does include copying content from an external environment into the MADiE JSON editor individually. Once "saved", MADiE seems to override some values, such as assigning unique Bundle fullUrl and unique Patient resource id. All of our test cases in MADiE have the same Patient family/given name, so to conform to MADiE for successful imports in the future, they would need to be updated.

      Do you have any suggested workarounds (other than manual updates)? Would it be possible for MADiE to override Patient family/given name values in JSON with what's in the UI for particular measures? Thank you.

            cbartleman@telligen.com Chandra Bartleman
            dlee38 Dorothy Lee
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