Resolution: Deferred for Future Release
MADiE 1.2.0
Per 7/25/2023 FHIR Measure Collaboration Call, attendees noticed that the fluent functions referenced in a measure are not displayed in the MADiE measure export HTML file.
For example, this is not showing up in the HTML file:
define fluent function isDeviceOrder(DeviceRequest List<DeviceRequest>): DeviceRequest D where D.status in { 'active', 'completed' } and D.intent = 'order
However, this is referenced in a library definition used by the measure.
define "Has Criteria Indicating Frailty": exists ( (([DeviceRequest: "Frailty Device"]).isDeviceOrder()) FrailtyDeviceOrder where FrailtyDeviceOrder.doNotPerform() is not true and FrailtyDeviceOrder.authoredOn.toInterval() during day of "Measurement Period" ) or exists ( (([Observation: "Medical equipment used"]).isAssessmentPerformed()) EquipmentUsed where EquipmentUsed.value as Concept in "Frailty Device" and EquipmentUsed.effective.toInterval() ends during day of "Measurement Period" ) or exists ( ([Condition: "Frailty Diagnosis"]) FrailtyDiagnosis where FrailtyDiagnosis.prevalenceInterval() overlaps "Measurement Period" ) or exists ( (([Encounter: "Frailty Encounter"]).isEncounterPerformed()) FrailtyEncounter where FrailtyEncounter.period.toInterval() overlaps "Measurement Period" ) or exists ( (([Observation: "Frailty Symptom"]).isSymptom()) FrailtySymptom where FrailtySymptom.effective.toInterval() overlaps "Measurement Period" )
define "Is Age 66 to 80 with Advanced Illness and Frailty or Is Age 81 or Older with Frailty": ( AgeInYearsAt(date from end of "Measurement Period")in Interval[66, 80] and "Has Criteria Indicating Frailty" and ( "Has Two Outpatient Encounters with Advanced Illness on Different Dates of Service" or "Has Inpatient Encounter with Advanced Illness" or "Has Dementia Medications in Year Before or During Measurement Period" ) ) or ( AgeInYearsAt(date from end of "Measurement Period")>= 81 and "Has Criteria Indicating Frailty" )
define "Denominator Exclusions": Hospice."Has Hospice Services" or exists ( "Pregnancy or Renal Diagnosis" ) or exists ( "End Stage Renal Disease Procedures" ) or exists ( "End Stage Renal Disease Encounter" ) or AIFrailLTCF."Is Age 66 to 80 with Advanced Illness and Frailty or Is Age 81 or Older with Frailty" or AIFrailLTCF."Is Age 66 or Older Living Long Term in a Nursing Home" or PalliativeCare."Has Palliative Care in the Measurement Period"