Library Name | Name |
SupplementalDataElements |
SDE Sex |
define "SDE Sex":
when Patient.gender = 'male' then Code { code: 'M', system: '', display: 'Male' }
when Patient.gender = 'female' then Code { code: 'F', system: '', display: 'Female' }
else null
Library Name | Name |
ControllingHighBloodPressureFHIR |
SDE Sex |
define "SDE Sex":
Library Name | Name |
ControllingHighBloodPressureFHIR |
Qualifying Systolic Blood Pressure Reading |
define "Qualifying Systolic Blood Pressure Reading":
( ( ["observation-bp"] ).isObservationBP ( ) ) BloodPressure
where ( not ( ( BloodPressure.encounter.getEncounter ( ) ).class.code in { 'EMER', 'IMP', 'ACUTE', 'NONAC', 'PRENC', 'SS' } ) )
and BloodPressure.effective.latest ( ) during day of "Measurement Period"
Library Name | Name |
ControllingHighBloodPressureFHIR |
Qualifying Diastolic Blood Pressure Reading |
define "Qualifying Diastolic Blood Pressure Reading":
( ( ["observation-bp"] ).isObservationBP ( ) ) BloodPressure
where ( not ( ( BloodPressure.encounter.getEncounter ( ) ).class.code in { 'EMER', 'IMP', 'ACUTE', 'NONAC', 'PRENC', 'SS' } ) )
and BloodPressure.effective.latest ( ) during day of "Measurement Period"
Library Name | Name |
ControllingHighBloodPressureFHIR |
Blood Pressure Days |
define "Blood Pressure Days":
( "Qualifying Diastolic Blood Pressure Reading" DBPExam
return date from DBPExam.effective.latest ( )
intersect ( "Qualifying Systolic Blood Pressure Reading" SBPExam
return date from SBPExam.effective.latest ( )
Library Name | Name |
ControllingHighBloodPressureFHIR |
Most Recent Blood Pressure Day |
define "Most Recent Blood Pressure Day":
Last("Blood Pressure Days" BPDays
sort asc
Library Name | Name |
ControllingHighBloodPressureFHIR |
Lowest Systolic Reading on Most Recent Blood Pressure Day |
define "Lowest Systolic Reading on Most Recent Blood Pressure Day":
First("Qualifying Systolic Blood Pressure Reading" SBPReading
where SBPReading.effective.latest() same day as "Most Recent Blood Pressure Day"
return singleton from(SBPReading.component SBPComponent
where SBPComponent.code ~ "Systolic blood pressure"
return SBPComponent.value as Quantity
sort asc
Library Name | Name |
ControllingHighBloodPressureFHIR |
Has Systolic Blood Pressure Less Than 140 |
define "Has Systolic Blood Pressure Less Than 140":
"Lowest Systolic Reading on Most Recent Blood Pressure Day" < 140 'mm[Hg]'
Library Name | Name |
ControllingHighBloodPressureFHIR |
Lowest Diastolic Reading on Most Recent Blood Pressure Day |
define "Lowest Diastolic Reading on Most Recent Blood Pressure Day":
First("Qualifying Diastolic Blood Pressure Reading" DBPReading
where DBPReading.effective.latest() same day as "Most Recent Blood Pressure Day"
return singleton from(DBPReading.component DBPComponent
where DBPComponent.code ~ "Diastolic blood pressure"
return DBPComponent.value as Quantity
sort asc
Library Name | Name |
ControllingHighBloodPressureFHIR |
Has Diastolic Blood Pressure Less Than 90 |
define "Has Diastolic Blood Pressure Less Than 90":
"Lowest Diastolic Reading on Most Recent Blood Pressure Day" < 90 'mm[Hg]'
Library Name | Name |
ControllingHighBloodPressureFHIR |
Numerator |
define "Numerator":
"Has Systolic Blood Pressure Less Than 140"
and "Has Diastolic Blood Pressure Less Than 90"
Library Name | Name |
ControllingHighBloodPressureFHIR |
Essential Hypertension Diagnosis |
define "Essential Hypertension Diagnosis":
( ["Condition": "Essential Hypertension"] ) Hypertension
where Hypertension.prevalenceInterval ( ) overlaps Interval[start of "Measurement Period", start of "Measurement Period" + 6 months )
Library Name | Name |
AdultOutpatientEncounters |
Qualifying Encounters |
define "Qualifying Encounters":
( ( [Encounter: "Office Visit"]
union [Encounter: "Annual Wellness Visit"]
union [Encounter: "Preventive Care Services Established Office Visit, 18 and Up"]
union [Encounter: "Preventive Care Services Initial Office Visit, 18 and Up"]
union [Encounter: "Home Healthcare Services"]
union [Encounter: "Online Assessments"]
union [Encounter: "Telephone Visits"] ).isEncounterPerformed() ) ValidEncounter
where ValidEncounter.period.toInterval() during day of "Measurement Period"
Library Name | Name |
ControllingHighBloodPressureFHIR |
Initial Population |
define "Initial Population":
AgeInYearsAt(date from
end of "Measurement Period"
) in Interval[18, 85]
and exists "Essential Hypertension Diagnosis"
and exists AdultOutpatientEncounters."Qualifying Encounters"
Library Name | Name |
ControllingHighBloodPressureFHIR |
Denominator |
define "Denominator":
"Initial Population"
Library Name | Name |
SupplementalDataElements |
SDE Payer |
define "SDE Payer":
[Coverage: type in "Payer"] Payer
return {
code: Payer.type,
period: Payer.period
Library Name | Name |
ControllingHighBloodPressureFHIR |
SDE Payer |
define "SDE Payer":
SDE."SDE Payer"
Library Name | Name |
SupplementalDataElements |
SDE Ethnicity |
define "SDE Ethnicity":
Patient.ethnicity E
return Tuple {
codes: { E.ombCategory } union E.detailed,
display: E.text
Library Name | Name |
ControllingHighBloodPressureFHIR |
SDE Ethnicity |
define "SDE Ethnicity":
SDE."SDE Ethnicity"
Library Name | Name |
Hospice |
Has Hospice Services |
define "Has Hospice Services":
exists ((([Encounter: "Encounter Inpatient"]).isEncounterPerformed()) InpatientEncounter
where (InpatientEncounter.hospitalization.dischargeDisposition ~ "Discharge to home for hospice care (procedure)"
or InpatientEncounter.hospitalization.dischargeDisposition ~ "Discharge to healthcare facility for hospice care (procedure)"
and InpatientEncounter.period.toInterval() ends during day of "Measurement Period"
or exists ((([Encounter: "Hospice Encounter"]).isEncounterPerformed()) HospiceEncounter
where HospiceEncounter.period.toInterval() overlaps day of "Measurement Period"
or exists ((([Observation: "Hospice care [Minimum Data Set]"]).isAssessmentPerformed()) HospiceAssessment
where HospiceAssessment.value ~ "Yes (qualifier value)"
and HospiceAssessment.effective.toInterval() overlaps day of "Measurement Period"
or exists ((([ServiceRequest: "Hospice Care Ambulatory"]).isInterventionOrder()) HospiceOrder
where HospiceOrder.authoredOn.toInterval() during day of "Measurement Period"
or exists ((([Procedure: "Hospice Care Ambulatory"]).isInterventionPerformed()) HospicePerformed
where HospicePerformed.performed.toInterval() overlaps day of "Measurement Period"
or exists (([Condition: "Hospice Diagnosis"]) HospiceCareDiagnosis
where HospiceCareDiagnosis.prevalenceInterval() overlaps day of "Measurement Period"
Library Name | Name |
ControllingHighBloodPressureFHIR |
Pregnancy or Renal Diagnosis |
define "Pregnancy or Renal Diagnosis":
( ["Condition": "Pregnancy"]
union ["Condition": "End Stage Renal Disease"]
union ["Condition": "Kidney Transplant Recipient"]
union ["Condition": "Chronic Kidney Disease, Stage 5"] ) PregnancyESRDDiagnosis
where PregnancyESRDDiagnosis.prevalenceInterval ( ) overlaps "Measurement Period"
Library Name | Name |
ControllingHighBloodPressureFHIR |
End Stage Renal Disease Procedures |
define "End Stage Renal Disease Procedures":
( ( ["Procedure": "Kidney Transplant"]
union ["Procedure": "Dialysis Services"]
).isProcedurePerformed ( ) ) ESRDProcedure
where ESRDProcedure.performed.toInterval ( ) ends on or before end of "Measurement Period"
Library Name | Name |
ControllingHighBloodPressureFHIR |
End Stage Renal Disease Encounter |
define "End Stage Renal Disease Encounter":
( ( ["Encounter": "ESRD Monthly Outpatient Services"] ).isEncounterPerformed ( ) ) ESRDEncounter
where ESRDEncounter.period.toInterval ( ) starts on or before end of "Measurement Period"
Library Name | Name |
AdvancedIllnessandFrailty |
Has Criteria Indicating Frailty |
define "Has Criteria Indicating Frailty":
exists ( (([DeviceRequest: "Frailty Device"]).isDeviceOrder()) FrailtyDeviceOrder
where FrailtyDeviceOrder.doNotPerform() is not true
and FrailtyDeviceOrder.authoredOn.toInterval() during day of "Measurement Period"
or exists ( (([Observation: "Medical equipment used"]).isAssessmentPerformed()) EquipmentUsed
where EquipmentUsed.value as Concept in "Frailty Device"
and EquipmentUsed.effective.toInterval() ends during day of "Measurement Period"
or exists ( ([Condition: "Frailty Diagnosis"]) FrailtyDiagnosis
where FrailtyDiagnosis.prevalenceInterval() overlaps "Measurement Period"
or exists ( (([Encounter: "Frailty Encounter"]).isEncounterPerformed()) FrailtyEncounter
where FrailtyEncounter.period.toInterval() overlaps "Measurement Period"
or exists ( (([Observation: "Frailty Symptom"]).isSymptom()) FrailtySymptom
where FrailtySymptom.effective.toInterval() overlaps "Measurement Period"
Library Name | Name |
AdvancedIllnessandFrailty |
Outpatient Encounters with Advanced Illness |
define "Outpatient Encounters with Advanced Illness":
(( [Encounter: "Outpatient"]
union [Encounter: "Observation"]
union [Encounter: "Emergency Department Evaluation and Management Visit"]
union [Encounter: "Nonacute Inpatient"] ).isEncounterPerformed()) OutpatientEncounter
where exists ((OutpatientEncounter.encounterDiagnosis()) Diagnosis where Diagnosis.code in "Advanced Illness")
and OutpatientEncounter.period.toInterval() starts during day of Interval[start of "Measurement Period" - 1 year,
end of "Measurement Period"]
Library Name | Name |
AdvancedIllnessandFrailty |
Has Two Outpatient Encounters with Advanced Illness on Different Dates of Service |
define "Has Two Outpatient Encounters with Advanced Illness on Different Dates of Service":
exists ( from
"Outpatient Encounters with Advanced Illness" OutpatientEncounter1,
"Outpatient Encounters with Advanced Illness" OutpatientEncounter2
where OutpatientEncounter2.period ends 1 day or more after day of
end of OutpatientEncounter1.period
return OutpatientEncounter1
Library Name | Name |
AdvancedIllnessandFrailty |
Has Inpatient Encounter with Advanced Illness |
define "Has Inpatient Encounter with Advanced Illness":
exists ( ( ([Encounter: "Acute Inpatient"]).isEncounterPerformed()) InpatientEncounter
where exists ((InpatientEncounter.encounterDiagnosis()) Diagnosis where Diagnosis.code in "Advanced Illness")
and InpatientEncounter.period.toInterval() starts during day of Interval[start of "Measurement Period" - 1 year,
end of "Measurement Period"]
Library Name | Name |
AdvancedIllnessandFrailty |
Has Dementia Medications in Year Before or During Measurement Period |
define "Has Dementia Medications in Year Before or During Measurement Period":
exists (( ([MedicationRequest: "Dementia Medications"]).isMedicationActive()) DementiaMedication
where DementiaMedication.doNotPerform is not true and
CMD."MedicationRequestPeriod" ( DementiaMedication ) overlaps Interval[start of "Measurement Period" - 1 year,
end of "Measurement Period"]
Library Name | Name |
AdvancedIllnessandFrailty |
Is Age 66 to 80 with Advanced Illness and Frailty or Is Age 81 or Older with Frailty |
define "Is Age 66 to 80 with Advanced Illness and Frailty or Is Age 81 or Older with Frailty":
( AgeInYearsAt(date from end of "Measurement Period")in Interval[66, 80]
and "Has Criteria Indicating Frailty"
and ( "Has Two Outpatient Encounters with Advanced Illness on Different Dates of Service"
or "Has Inpatient Encounter with Advanced Illness"
or "Has Dementia Medications in Year Before or During Measurement Period"
or ( AgeInYearsAt(date from end of "Measurement Period")>= 81
and "Has Criteria Indicating Frailty"
Library Name | Name |
AdvancedIllnessandFrailty |
Is Age 66 or Older Living Long Term in a Nursing Home |
define "Is Age 66 or Older Living Long Term in a Nursing Home":
AgeInYearsAt(date from
end of "Measurement Period"
)>= 66
and ( ( Last( (([Observation: "Housing status"]).isAssessmentPerformed()) HousingStatus
where HousingStatus.effective.toInterval() ends on or before
end of "Measurement Period"
sort by
end of effective.toInterval() asc
)) LastHousingStatus
where LastHousingStatus.value ~ "Lives in a nursing home (finding)"
) is not null
Library Name | Name |
PalliativeCare |
Has Palliative Care in the Measurement Period |
define "Has Palliative Care in the Measurement Period":
exists ((([Observation: "Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy - Palliative Care Questionnaire (FACIT-Pal)"]).isAssessmentPerformed()) PalliativeAssessment
where PalliativeAssessment.effective.toInterval() overlaps day of "Measurement Period"
or exists ([Condition: "Palliative Care Diagnosis"] PalliativeDiagnosis
where PalliativeDiagnosis.prevalenceInterval() overlaps day of "Measurement Period"
or exists ((([Encounter: "Palliative Care Encounter"]).isEncounterPerformed()) PalliativeEncounter
where PalliativeEncounter.period.toInterval() overlaps day of "Measurement Period"
or exists ((([Procedure: "Palliative Care Intervention"]).isInterventionPerformed()) PalliativeIntervention
where PalliativeIntervention.performed.toInterval() overlaps day of "Measurement Period"
Library Name | Name |
ControllingHighBloodPressureFHIR |
Denominator Exclusions |
define "Denominator Exclusions":
Hospice."Has Hospice Services"
or exists ( "Pregnancy or Renal Diagnosis" )
or exists ( "End Stage Renal Disease Procedures" )
or exists ( "End Stage Renal Disease Encounter" )
or AIFrailLTCF."Is Age 66 to 80 with Advanced Illness and Frailty or Is Age 81 or Older with Frailty"
or AIFrailLTCF."Is Age 66 or Older Living Long Term in a Nursing Home"
or PalliativeCare."Has Palliative Care in the Measurement Period"
Library Name | Name |
SupplementalDataElements |
SDE Race |
define "SDE Race":
Patient.race R
return Tuple {
codes: R.ombCategory union R.detailed,
display: R.text
Library Name | Name |
ControllingHighBloodPressureFHIR |
SDE Race |
define "SDE Race":
SDE."SDE Race"