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  1. CYPRESS Issue Tracker
  2. CYPRESS-1609

Calculated value (0.0) for DENEXCEP(XXXXXX) does not match the expected value (1.0)


      Calculated value (0.0) for DENEXCEP(XXXXXX) does not match the expected value (1.0).

      We are using Cypress 3.2.3 for validating QRDA CAT I files. After validation we are getting above reporting error for file(12aa45_cat1_10012_pid-145347.xml).

      All the entries needed for Denominator Exception are present in CAT I file but still the calculated value is not satisfying the expected value.

      Attached both the input file(4_Peggy_Norman.xml) and QRDA CAT I file(12aa45_cat1_10012_pid-145347.xml).

      Also attached the QRDA Zip file generated by Cypress.

      Please let us know why we are getting this error.

        1. 4_Peggy_Norman.xml
          19 kB
        2. 12aa45_cat1_10012_pid-145347.xml
          22 kB
        3. CMS105.zip
          25 kB
        4. 12aa45_cat1_10012_pid-145347_1.xml
          17 kB
        5. 4_Peggy_Norman_1.xml
          19 kB

            laurend Lauren DiCristofaro (Inactive)
            sivarajpsm Sivaraj (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
