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  1. CYPRESS Issue Tracker
  2. CYPRESS-1602

Calculated value (0.0) for DENEXCEP(XXXXXX) does not match the expected value (1.0)


    • Icon: Question Question
    • Resolution: Resolved
    • Icon: Moderate Moderate

      Calculated value (0.0) for DENEXCEP(XXXXXX) does not match the expected value (1.0).

      We are using Cypress 3.2.3 for validating QRDA CAT I files. After validation we are getting above reporting error for file(12aa45_cat1_10012_pid-145347.xml).

      All the entries needed for Denominator Exception are present in CAT I file but still the calculated value is not satisfying the expected value.

      Attached both the input file(4_Peggy_Norman.xml) and QRDA file(12aa45_cat1_10012_pid-145347.xml).

      Please let us know why we are getting this error.

        1. 12aa45_cat1_10012_pid-145347.xml
          22 kB
        2. 4_Peggy_Norman.xml
          19 kB
        3. CMS105.zip
          25 kB
        4. STK 06.zip
          18 kB

            dczulada David Czulada
            sivarajpsm Sivaraj (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
