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  1. CYPRESS Issue Tracker
  2. CYPRESS-1354

Request exception Encounter SNOMED values


    • Icon: Question Question
    • Resolution: Answered
    • Icon: Moderate Moderate
    • None
    • Value Sets

      Question 1 - Is it required that EHR capture every "OR" valueset for Encounter?
      Question 2 - If no, for Cypress/ONC testing can we use an alternate Encounter valueset other than the Encounter SNOMED for the Denominator Exclusion.

      CQM Testing for CMS156 is failing due to Encounter SNOMED requirement, can we use an alternate Encounter valueset?

      For eMeasure 156 (Use of High-Risk Medications in the Elderly) contains in Denominator Exclusions to record either an Encounter Inpatient or an Intervention for Hospice Care Ambulatory. As an ambulatory EHR we capture the Intervention Hospice Care Ambulatory.

      Denominator Exclusions

      OR: "Encounter, Performed: Encounter Inpatient (discharge status: Discharged to Home for Hospice Care)" ends during "Measurement Period"

      OR: "Encounter, Performed: Encounter Inpatient (discharge status: Discharged to Health Care Facility for Hospice Care)" ends during "Measurement Period"

      OR: Union of:

      "Intervention, Order: Hospice care ambulatory"
      "Intervention, Performed: Hospice care ambulatory"

        1. Edit C1 Test - Step 1.png
          65 kB
          David Czulada
        2. Edit C1 Test - Step 2.png
          214 kB
          David Czulada

            dczulada David Czulada
            deharr2010 Debra Harris (Inactive)
            1 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
