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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-753

expected results for Measure32 are inconsistent between 2 screens in Cypress


    • Dan Collier
    • 410.231.3260
    • Pieran
    • yes please
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      Thank you for your question. In the first screenshot, the IPP says 3 but the measure population says 2. The measure population has two more criteria than IPP thus there may be one testing patient filtered out. The count of measure population is used in the measure calculation. it appears Cypress is correct.
      Thank you for your question. In the first screenshot, the IPP says 3 but the measure population says 2. The measure population has two more criteria than IPP thus there may be one testing patient filtered out. The count of measure population is used in the measure calculation. it appears Cypress is correct.
    • We cannot validate/test Measure32 and other measures' tests in Cypress may be showing invalid results as well.

      We do not know what the expected results should be for this measure. In the Summary, it says it is expecting an IPP of 3 (see attachment measure32 results - screen1.png), but when I click on the measure to see which patients in the result, it is only showing 2 patients (see attachment measure32 results - screen2.png). So consequently we don't know if the IPP should be 3 or 2 for this specific test case. This seems like a bug in Cypress. Please advise.

            chengjianche Chengjian Che (Inactive)
            dcollier Dan Collier (Inactive)
            Deborah Krauss (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
