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  2. CQM-7330

VTE-2 Medication Administration Unfractionated Heparin (route intravenous route) Dt/Tm


    • Icon: EH/CAH eCQMs - Eligible Hospitals/Critical Access Hospitals EH/CAH eCQMs - Eligible Hospitals/Critical Access Hospitals
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      Thank you for your question regarding CMS190v12, Intensive Care Unit Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis. Within the definition “Low Risk Indicator For VTE”, this portion of the logic refers to Medication Administration for Unfractionated Heparin Intravenously and uses releventDateTime and releventPeriod:

        union ( ( ( ["Medication, Administered": "Unfractionated Heparin"] UnfractionatedHeparin

              where UnfractionatedHeparin.route in "Intravenous route"


            union ["Medication, Administered": "Direct Thrombin Inhibitor"]

            union ["Medication, Administered": "Glycoprotein IIb IIIa Inhibitors"] ) AnticoagulantMedication

            return {

              id: AnticoagulantMedication.id,

              LowRiskDatetime: start of Global."NormalizeInterval" ( AnticoagulantMedication.relevantDatetime, AnticoagulantMedication.relevantPeriod )



      QDM 5.6 defines Timing:

      relevant dateTime references the time the medication is administered if it was given or taken at a single point in time.
      relevantPeriod references a start and stop time for a single medication administration if the administration event occurred over a time interval (e.g., an intravenous infusion).

      When referring to infusion, the documentation of relevant period would include the start and stop time. If you are referring to a single administration, it would be the time of administration.
      Thank you for your question regarding CMS190v12, Intensive Care Unit Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis. Within the definition “Low Risk Indicator For VTE”, this portion of the logic refers to Medication Administration for Unfractionated Heparin Intravenously and uses releventDateTime and releventPeriod:     union ( ( ( ["Medication, Administered": "Unfractionated Heparin"] UnfractionatedHeparin         where UnfractionatedHeparin.route in "Intravenous route"     )       union ["Medication, Administered": "Direct Thrombin Inhibitor"]       union ["Medication, Administered": "Glycoprotein IIb IIIa Inhibitors"] ) AnticoagulantMedication       return {         id: AnticoagulantMedication.id,         LowRiskDatetime: start of Global."NormalizeInterval" ( AnticoagulantMedication.relevantDatetime, AnticoagulantMedication.relevantPeriod )       }   )   QDM 5.6 defines Timing: relevant dateTime references the time the medication is administered if it was given or taken at a single point in time. relevantPeriod references a start and stop time for a single medication administration if the administration event occurred over a time interval (e.g., an intravenous infusion). When referring to infusion, the documentation of relevant period would include the start and stop time. If you are referring to a single administration, it would be the time of administration.
    • CMS0190v12
    • Medication date time can be pulled from an hourly summary area that is not actually when the medication was administered.


      Can you please provide guidance on what the measure is looking for Medication Administration Unfractionated Heparin (route intravenous route) Dt/Tm? Is it looking for the actual time the medication was started or is it looking for the hour in which the medication was administered? 

      Example: MAR has Heparin 25,000 units 5/29/2024 2328

      Order has Heparin 25,000 units 5/29/2024 2359, Given From 5/29/2024 2300, Given To 5/29/2024 2359


      Our Validation tool pulled in the Heparin 5/29/2024 2300 time.

      Please advise.

      Thank you.

            aweber Mathematica EH eCQM Team
            pdiamanti Patricia Diamanti
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