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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-7248

Discrepancy between the human readable section and the source of truth IT specs section.


    • Icon: EH/CAH eCQMs - Eligible Hospitals/Critical Access Hospitals EH/CAH eCQMs - Eligible Hospitals/Critical Access Hospitals
    • Resolution: Answered
    • Icon: Moderate Moderate
    • None
    • None
    • Anna Doyle
    • 9047100140
    • Baptist Health
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      Thank you for your question about CMS1028v2 Severe Obstetric Complications. The first line of logic that you referenced calls the last assessment performed for the date and time of obstetric delivery, given the alias of TimeOfDelivery. There may be only one, but if more than one clinician documented this assessment or the same clinician assesses the delivery multiple times, the logic will use the last assessment.
      The logic looks for the obstetric delivery of the mother, which is coded only once, to the first delivery when there's multiple births. Thus, we provided the guidance to "map the first delivery date/time (Baby A) as the delivery date/time for the encounter." Keep in mind that this measure pertains to the mother's delivery encounter.

      The logic then ensures that the TimeOfDelivery occurs during the hospital encounter and sorts by the earliest DateTime resulted during the hospitalization encounter. Therefore, in the example given, the delivery DateTime for the encounter is 9/1/2024 at 11:00. We hope this helps.
      Thank you for your question about CMS1028v2 Severe Obstetric Complications. The first line of logic that you referenced calls the last assessment performed for the date and time of obstetric delivery, given the alias of TimeOfDelivery. There may be only one, but if more than one clinician documented this assessment or the same clinician assesses the delivery multiple times, the logic will use the last assessment.   The logic looks for the obstetric delivery of the mother, which is coded only once, to the first delivery when there's multiple births. Thus, we provided the guidance to "map the first delivery date/time (Baby A) as the delivery date/time for the encounter." Keep in mind that this measure pertains to the mother's delivery encounter. The logic then ensures that the TimeOfDelivery occurs during the hospital encounter and sorts by the earliest DateTime resulted during the hospitalization encounter. Therefore, in the example given, the delivery DateTime for the encounter is 9/1/2024 at 11:00. We hope this helps.
    • CMS1028v2
    • Mapping incorrectly may impact future validations with CMS.

      Dear JIRA,

      We have a question on a discrepancy between the human readable section and the source of truth IT specs section.

      Under the guidance, in the human readable section “in the case of multiple births, map the first delivery date/time (baby A) as the delivery date/time for the encounter.”

      In the source of truth;

      PCMaternal.LastTimeOfDelivery(Encounter "Encounter, Performed")

        • Last(["Assessment, Performed": "Date and time of obstetric delivery"] TimeOfDelivery
        • where Global."EarliestOf"(TimeOfDelivery.relevantDatetime, TimeOfDelivery.relevantPeriod)during "HospitalizationWithEDOBTriageObservation"(Encounter)
        • and TimeOfDelivery.result as DateTime during "HospitalizationWithEDOBTriageObservation"(Encounter)
        • sort by Global."EarliestOf"(relevantDatetime, relevantPeriod)
        • ).result as DateTime


      Our vendor states that the date/time should be the date/time of the last birth according to the source of truth.

      Example: baby A is born 9/1/2024 at 11:00. Baby B is born 9/1/2024 at 11:15. Which is the correct date/time to map for multiple births?

      Thank you,


            aweber Mathematica EH eCQM Team
            adoyl001 Anna Doyle
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