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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-7060

CMS 108 & CMS 190- application of SCDs- application time or documentation time?


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    • Cari Jones
    • 4054738842
    • INTEGRIS Healthcare
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      Hello and thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, this ticket is out of scope for the eCQM Issue Tracker. Your question has been redirected to the QualityNet Service Desk, and the following ticket has been opened for you:


      You will be contacted by their team and assigned a customer service representative who will work to resolve your inquiry. We are closing this ticket now. Please let us know if you have any additional questions about eCQM logic or specifications.
      Hello and thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, this ticket is out of scope for the eCQM Issue Tracker. Your question has been redirected to the QualityNet Service Desk, and the following ticket has been opened for you: CS2254791 You will be contacted by their team and assigned a customer service representative who will work to resolve your inquiry. We are closing this ticket now. Please let us know if you have any additional questions about eCQM logic or specifications.
    • CMS0108v11
    • Records for submission for 2023 eCQM Validation- clarification needed

      At our facility, for eVTE cases selected for 2023 validation, the files to be transmitted are reflecting the documentation time of SCD placement (mechanical device) as opposed to the time of application. 

      Example- QRDA file and EHR reflect SCDs were 'on' for the first time at 1114 (per flowsheet) the documentation time of this was at 1116.  The TISTA file for submission is reflecting the documentation time of 1116.  The TISTA file time does not match the time captured by the QRDA file.  

      There is only a matter of minutes' difference for these cases, the NUMERATOR is met etc.  

      eCQM validation processes are new and unknown as opposed to Chart Abstracted Measures validation processes. 

      QUESTION: As long as the TISTA record still matches the outcome per the QRDA, even though the times don't match exactly, is this acceptable to submit? 


      Does the TISTA file timing need to match the time captured by the QRDA file for application of the SCDs?

            JLeflore Mathematica EH eCQM Team
            shorca Cari Ann Jones
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