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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-7052

PC07 Question Multiple hospitals same day admission


    • Icon: EH/CAH eCQMs EH/CAH eCQMs
    • Resolution: Answered
    • Icon: Moderate Moderate
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    • Christie Maramba
    • 7085603397
    • Oracle
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      Hello and thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, this ticket is out of scope for the eCQM Issue Tracker. Your question has been redirected to the QualityNet Service Desk, and the following ticket has been opened for you:


      You will be contacted by their team and assigned a customer service representative who will work to resolve your inquiry. We are closing this ticket now. Please let us know if you have any additional questions about eCQM logic or specifications.
      Hello and thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, this ticket is out of scope for the eCQM Issue Tracker. Your question has been redirected to the QualityNet Service Desk, and the following ticket has been opened for you: CS2253096 You will be contacted by their team and assigned a customer service representative who will work to resolve your inquiry. We are closing this ticket now. Please let us know if you have any additional questions about eCQM logic or specifications.
    • CMS1028v2

      I have a patient who came into one of our hospitals and gave birth, on the same day they were transferred to another one of our hospitals for a blood transfusion. Initially the admission and discharge information was not correct. Since it has been corrected and the coding summaries are correct. Both encounters have separate FINS. However GSH where she gave birth is getting dinged for PC07 as Numerator met and not WMC where she actually had the procedure. I am trying to find out how this is figured out and decided.

            JLeflore Mathematica EH eCQM Team
            cmaramba Christie Maramba
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue

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