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  2. CQM-7031

CMS50 - Clarifications for Closing the Referral Loop


    • Icon: EC eCQMs EC eCQMs
    • Resolution: Answered
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    • Ashish Trivedy
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      Hello and thank you for your inquiry about CMS50v12 Closing the Referral Loop: Receipt of Specialist Report.

      The measure is designed to capture all qualifying encounters in which a referral was ordered. Notice of denial of insurance or notice of the decline from the clinician to whom the patient was referred will not count toward the communication component for closing the loop. We will explore additional denominator exclusions to reflect system reasons for not meeting the measure's communication component in a future annual update cycle.
      Hello and thank you for your inquiry about CMS50v12 Closing the Referral Loop: Receipt of Specialist Report. The measure is designed to capture all qualifying encounters in which a referral was ordered. Notice of denial of insurance or notice of the decline from the clinician to whom the patient was referred will not count toward the communication component for closing the loop. We will explore additional denominator exclusions to reflect system reasons for not meeting the measure's communication component in a future annual update cycle.
    • CMS0050v12

      For eCQM measure CMS50, we have eligible clinicians who have brought us some pain points regarding referrals that are either denied for insurance authorization or declined by the receiving clinicians. These referrals in turn would never have the referral loop closed, and may be deemed invalid by the eligible clinicians or the practice.

      In such cases, should these invalid referrals count towards the denominator of the measure?

            edave Mathematica EC eCQM Team
            ashishtrivedy Ashish Trivedy
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