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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-7029

CMS146v12-Pharyngitis-order date vs result date


    • Icon: EC eCQMs EC eCQMs
    • Resolution: Answered
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    • Jenna N Sharkey
    • 4432410260
    • Medisolv, Inc.
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      Thank you for your inquiry about CMS146v12. For this measure, a group A strep test is identified using the QDM datatype "Laboratory Test, Performed" along with the value set "Group A Streptococcus Test." The measure requires a non-null result for the test. There must be a result (any entry) in the electronic health record (EHR). It does not require a specific positive or negative result. The result must occur within the specified timeframe (3 days prior to or 3 days after the encounter). The order date of the test alone cannot be used to meet the numerator criteria.
      Thank you for your inquiry about CMS146v12. For this measure, a group A strep test is identified using the QDM datatype "Laboratory Test, Performed" along with the value set "Group A Streptococcus Test." The measure requires a non-null result for the test. There must be a result (any entry) in the electronic health record (EHR). It does not require a specific positive or negative result. The result must occur within the specified timeframe (3 days prior to or 3 days after the encounter). The order date of the test alone cannot be used to meet the numerator criteria.
    • CMS0146v12
    • Confirm accurate result capture via the measure logic.

      Does a group A strep test need to have a RESULT within 3 days prior/3 days after their encounter for pharyngitis, or can the order date of the test be used to meet the numerator?

            edave Mathematica EC eCQM Team
            Sharkey32 Jenna N Sharkey
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            3 Start watching this issue

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