EH/CAH eCQMs - Eligible Hospitals/Critical Access Hospitals
Resolution: Answered
Not measure related
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It looks like the intent of the measure is to exclude patients receiving medication for opioid use disorder and the logic includes diagnosis for opioid use disorder. Is the intent to qualify/exclude any diagnosis that started in the past?
The logic only states that the Opioid Use Disorder diagnosis should start before the day of the end of InpatientEncounter.relevantPeriod and does not include a time limit for "before" (example: 90 days or less before):
or exists ( ["Diagnosis": "Opioid Use Disorder"] OUD
where start of OUD.prevalencePeriod before day of end of InpatientEncounter.relevantPeriod
What is the expectation in the below scenario?
Diagnosis for opioid starts January 2021 and ends November 2022.
The inpatient encounter that qualifies for opioid initial population starts 6/5/2024.
- relates to
EKI-31 CMS506v7
- To Do