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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-6948

CMS1028 PC-07 timing for Risk Factors "Lab and Physical Exam Results"


    • Icon: EH/CAH eCQMs EH/CAH eCQMs
    • Resolution: Answered
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    • cari jones
    • 4054738842
    • INTEGRIS Healthcare
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      Thank you for your question regarding CMS1028/PC-07 Severe Obstetric Complications. For the lab and physical exam risk variables, the logic is looks for the "first resulted value 24 hours prior to the start of the encounter and before time of delivery." In your scenario, that would be 24 hours prior to 0900 of the day of delivery, up to the time of delivery, so the results from OB Triage would be considered. Also note that the logic would be looking for RESULTED values as opposed to when labs and physical exams such as vital signs were collected.
      Thank you for your question regarding CMS1028/PC-07 Severe Obstetric Complications. For the lab and physical exam risk variables, the logic is looks for the "first resulted value 24 hours prior to the start of the encounter and before time of delivery." In your scenario, that would be 24 hours prior to 0900 of the day of delivery, up to the time of delivery, so the results from OB Triage would be considered. Also note that the logic would be looking for RESULTED values as opposed to when labs and physical exams such as vital signs were collected.
    • CMS1028v2

      A pregnant patient was admitted to OB Triage on a particular day at 1148.  The patient was dc'd home at 1247 on the same day. 

      The patient returned the next morning at 0900, where she delivered at 1100.  Start of IP encounter at 0900.


      There is more than one hour from the OP stay and the IP encounter.  BUT there are VS recorded in the 24h prior to the encounter and before time of delivery. 

      Please clarify this concept

      Would I look for the first VS/Labs collected during the OB Triage (OP) encounter to be collected for submission? 


      I would not because there is greater than 1h between the OP and the IP encounter? 


            JLeflore Mathematica EH eCQM Team
            shorca Cari Ann Jones
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