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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-6907

CMS 951 Numerator Criteria uACRTest.result is not null


    • Icon: EC eCQMs - Eligible Clinicians EC eCQMs - Eligible Clinicians
    • Resolution: Answered
    • Icon: Moderate Moderate
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    • Erica Bosko
    • 3303274611
    • Saint Luke's Health System
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      Thank you for raising this issue specific to CMS951v2 (Kidney Health Evaluation). The measure developer, National Kidney Foundation (NKF), is aware that in some laboratory information systems (LIS), when the level of albumin is below detectable limits in the urine, the LIS may respond by reporting “unable to calculate”. As indicated in your inquiry, the specification requires a uACR test result value, and therefore, cannot be NULL. NKF will review updates to the measure logic, to address this issue, as part of the upcoming Annual Update process.

      The national laboratories and many large academic laboratories have developed workarounds for this issue. We have attached a document that provides suggestions for a workaround in the LIS. This document is directed to laboratory professionals.
      Thank you for raising this issue specific to CMS951v2 (Kidney Health Evaluation). The measure developer, National Kidney Foundation (NKF), is aware that in some laboratory information systems (LIS), when the level of albumin is below detectable limits in the urine, the LIS may respond by reporting “unable to calculate”. As indicated in your inquiry, the specification requires a uACR test result value, and therefore, cannot be NULL. NKF will review updates to the measure logic, to address this issue, as part of the upcoming Annual Update process. The national laboratories and many large academic laboratories have developed workarounds for this issue. We have attached a document that provides suggestions for a workaround in the LIS. This document is directed to laboratory professionals.
    • CMS0951v2
    • A large percentage of patients are not passing the measure despite having a completed uACR test in scenarios when the ratio is unable to be calculated due to microalbumin sensitivity limitations of the lab.

      We are seeing an issue with lab results for uACR being sent back with Null value, but a result comment of "Microalbumin too low to be calculated." Based on the spec set up for the measure a result value must be present for the patient to fall to the numerator. What would be the suggestion to ensure these patients pass based on the test being completed and a ratio unable to be calculated due to microalbumin sensitivity limitations of the lab? Any consideration in updating the measure spec to evaluate such a situation?

            edave Mathematica EC eCQM Team
            EBosko Erica Bosko (Inactive)
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