
    • Icon: EH/CAH eCQMs EH/CAH eCQMs
    • Resolution: Answered
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      Thank you for your question about CMS334v4/PC-02 Cesarean Birth. In the case presented, we concur that since both ICD-10 codes for abnormal presentation and vaginal delivery were associated with the same encounter, the patient would "fall out" of the measure, excluded from the denominator due to the abnormal presentation code.
      Thank you for your question about CMS334v4/PC-02 Cesarean Birth. In the case presented, we concur that since both ICD-10 codes for abnormal presentation and vaginal delivery were associated with the same encounter, the patient would "fall out" of the measure, excluded from the denominator due to the abnormal presentation code.
    • CMS0334v4
    • A case is excluding from the denominator even though it should be included.

      We have a Cesarean section eCQM case that is being excluded from the denominator that we would appreciate some feedback on.
      On arrival the fetal position was in breech presentation, the providers conducted a version procedure, and were successful in changing the fetal position to vertex. A vaginal delivery was successful and felt the patient should be included in the denominator. However, the patient has two ICD-10 codes for presentation (as there were 2 during the encounter), lending the case as a Denominator Exclusion. Is this the correct measure status? Can anything be done to mapping to indicate the presentation at the time of delivery not at the time of arrival?

            JLeflore Mathematica EH eCQM Team
            mdiciaccio Michelle Morrison
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