EH/CAH eCQMs - Eligible Hospitals/Critical Access Hospitals
Resolution: Answered
Patients with a true patient class of OBS or ED are pulling in as Inpatients which is not the intent of the measure.
We have discovered patients included in the IPP that are billed as Outpatient patient class, but also are coded with one of the SNOMED codes in the Inpatient Encounter value sets because they have erroneous admit to inpatient orders which is pulled in by the measure mapping to count it as an Inpatient stay. Since these are obvious errors that should not be included in the IPP what is recommended to exclude these outpatient encounters from the measure?
Scenario: Physician enters Inpatient admit order due to error, or they change their mind and enter OBS order, but our EHR vendor does not allow orders to be cancelled for IP once placed. The patient class will change appropriately to correct patient class, but our mapping is picking up that IP order and stopping there. Therefore, we see OBS and ED patient class in our measure.