EC eCQMs - Eligible Clinicians
Resolution: Answered
Salma Basnet
This question concerns CMS69v12, aka Q-CMS69: PREVENTIVE CARE AND SCREENING: BODY MASS INDEX (BMI) SCREENING AND FOLLOW-UP PLAN. Can you please clarify which encounters BMI readings should come from? The definition of “BMI during Measurement Period” says “where Global."NormalizeInterval" ( BMI.relevantDatetime, BMI.relevantPeriod ) during day of "Measurement Period" which sounds like it should come from any encounter, but the denominator encounter definition “Qualifying Encounter during Measurement Period” is pulled using a value set named "Encounter to Evaluate BMI", which makes us think maybe the BMI should only come from those encounters. Logically it could also make sense to seek out any BMI that occurs in the measurement period as of the latest denominator encounter but there is nothing in the specification mentioning any sort lookback logic.
To give a concrete example, a patient is seen for a denominator encounter in June where the BMI is within the recommended range. Then they are seen again in December where a high BMI is recorded but doesn’t qualify as an “Encounter to Evaluate BMI”. Assuming no follow-up is done at any time in the year, is that patient in the numerator or not?