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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-679

Discrepancy in VSAC value sets between online view and download


    • Icon: Annual Update Annual Update
    • Resolution: Fixed/Complete
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • ValueSet
    • Kristin Post
    • Epic
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      This downloadable resource sheet did contain obsolete codes. The current spreadsheets were updated and published June 14, 2013.

      Thank you for your feedback.
      This downloadable resource sheet did contain obsolete codes. The current spreadsheets were updated and published June 14, 2013. Thank you for your feedback.

      We've observed a difference in the value sets on VSAC between what is viewed online and what is downloaded in the spreadsheets that are generated. Is this the appropriate place to report the issue? Two value sets where we've observed issues include unfractionated heparin and parenteral anticoagulant. I've attached screenshots of the different online/download code sets for heparin.

        1. Download.jpg
          78 kB
        2. VSAC.png
          26 kB

            julia.skapik Julia Skapik (Inactive)
            sasha Sasha TerMaat (Inactive)
            Duc Nguyen (Inactive), emir.khatipov, Julia Skapik (Inactive), Philip Chuang (Inactive), Pishing Chiang (Inactive), Rob McClure, Sasha TerMaat (Inactive), Steve Emrick (Inactive)
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