Thank you for your question about CMS1028/PC-07 Severe Obstetric Complications. After considering feedback from the field, the Technical Advisory Panel approved a logic update for the next reporting year that adds a numerator exclusion for blood transfusion or hysterectomy with a diagnosis of placenta percreta or placenta increta and no other Severe Maternal Morbidity. Other reasons for a planned hysterectomy may be risk adjusted or are rare and not believed to make a significant impact to measure rates.
Thank you for your question about CMS1028/PC-07 Severe Obstetric Complications. After considering feedback from the field, the Technical Advisory Panel approved a logic update for the next reporting year that adds a numerator exclusion for blood transfusion or hysterectomy with a diagnosis of placenta percreta or placenta increta and no other Severe Maternal Morbidity. Other reasons for a planned hysterectomy may be risk adjusted or are rare and not believed to make a significant impact to measure rates.