Is there a site that describes/interprets the SNOMED codes in further detail. VTE Discharge Instructions list the following codes but the meaning of each is not clear. #61342007 states Pt follow up planned & and; scheduled (I found one reference that indicated to teach the patient the importance of making and keeping followup appointments for labwork and med mgmt, but the description seems to imply that the appointments are made for the patient prior to discharge???) Also there are 3 medication codes: #386465007 Prescribed med education, #410264007 Medication action/side effects and #423076000 Medication prescription education...what are the distinguishing features among these 3 so that the person who has to select the code(s) knows which to select. #38586700 Emergency treatment education appears to have a "subtitle" addressing teaching CPR?...really? And what exactly does 174351000 (Educational session with patient)..would staff be documenting any of the rest of the options if they hadn't had an educational session with the patient?