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  2. CQM-6574

CMS871v3 - Requesting help understanding the new function - "Glucose Tests Earlier Than Glucose Greater Than or Equal to 1000 within 1 Hour Prior To and 6 Hours After Encounter Start"


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    • Resolution: Answered
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      Thank you for your inquiry specific to CMS871v3 Hospital Harm – Severe Hyperglycemia. Although the intent of the denominator exclusion has not changed from the previous version, the logic was revised to ensure the glucose tests are constrained to only the qualifying encounter, and to decrease data processing performance issues by restricting evaluation to only the pertinent glucose test data elements.

      Looking at the "Initial Glucose Greater Than or Equal to 1000 within 1 Hour Prior To and 6 Hours After Encounter Start” definition, we see it references two other define statements in bold:

      define “Initial Glucose Greater Than or Equal to 1000 within 1 Hour Prior To and 6 Hours After Encounter Start”

      "Glucose Greater Than or Equal to 1000 within 1 Hour Prior To and 6 Hours After Encounter Start" GlucoseResult1000

        where not ( GlucoseResult1000.id in "Glucose Tests Earlier Than Glucose Greater Than or Equal to 1000 within 1 Hour Prior To and 6 Hours After Encounter Start".id )

      The first one, "Glucose Greater Than or Equal to 1000 within 1 Hour Prior To and 6 Hours After Encounter Start”, looks for a glucose with a result >=1000 during a 7-hour interval (between 1 hour prior to and 6 hours after the encounter start).

      The second one, “Glucose Tests Earlier Than Glucose Greater Than or Equal to 1000 within 1 Hour Prior To and 6 Hours After Encounter Start”, evaluates to see if there were any glucose tests with a result >=1000 earlier than the start of the 7-hour window.

      The ‘where not’ used here is to capture an initial glucose >=1000 within the 7-hour window where there is NOT a glucose test earlier that has a result >=1000. This ensures that only the initial glucose w/result within the 7-hour window, and not before, is evaluated.

      We appreciate the feedback included in your inquiry. We will consider providing clarifying information in the measure specification during the upcoming eCQM Annual Update cycle.
      Thank you for your inquiry specific to CMS871v3 Hospital Harm – Severe Hyperglycemia. Although the intent of the denominator exclusion has not changed from the previous version, the logic was revised to ensure the glucose tests are constrained to only the qualifying encounter, and to decrease data processing performance issues by restricting evaluation to only the pertinent glucose test data elements. Looking at the "Initial Glucose Greater Than or Equal to 1000 within 1 Hour Prior To and 6 Hours After Encounter Start” definition, we see it references two other define statements in bold: define “Initial Glucose Greater Than or Equal to 1000 within 1 Hour Prior To and 6 Hours After Encounter Start” "Glucose Greater Than or Equal to 1000 within 1 Hour Prior To and 6 Hours After Encounter Start" GlucoseResult1000   where not ( GlucoseResult1000.id in "Glucose Tests Earlier Than Glucose Greater Than or Equal to 1000 within 1 Hour Prior To and 6 Hours After Encounter Start".id ) The first one, "Glucose Greater Than or Equal to 1000 within 1 Hour Prior To and 6 Hours After Encounter Start”, looks for a glucose with a result >=1000 during a 7-hour interval (between 1 hour prior to and 6 hours after the encounter start). The second one, “Glucose Tests Earlier Than Glucose Greater Than or Equal to 1000 within 1 Hour Prior To and 6 Hours After Encounter Start”, evaluates to see if there were any glucose tests with a result >=1000 earlier than the start of the 7-hour window. The ‘where not’ used here is to capture an initial glucose >=1000 within the 7-hour window where there is NOT a glucose test earlier that has a result >=1000. This ensures that only the initial glucose w/result within the 7-hour window, and not before, is evaluated. We appreciate the feedback included in your inquiry. We will consider providing clarifying information in the measure specification during the upcoming eCQM Annual Update cycle.
    • CMS0871v3

      In the latest version of this measure (HH-Hypo v3) I'm trying to understand the new definition that was previously not there in v2-
      "Glucose Tests Earlier Than Glucose Greater Than or Equal to 1000 within 1 Hour Prior To and 6 Hours After Encounter Start"

      What is the need to check for an earlier lab test glucose, if you have already found the earliest glucose that is >= 1000 using the following definition - "Glucose Greater Than or Equal to 1000 within 1 Hour Prior To and 6 Hours After Encounter Start"

      So, I'm requesting help in understanding the need for the following 2 definitions -


      Glucose Tests Earlier Than Glucose Greater Than or Equal to 1000 within 1 Hour Prior To and 6 Hours After Encounter Start"

      Initial Glucose Greater Than or Equal to 1000 within 1 Hour Prior To and 6 Hours After Encounter Start{}


      Also, note the definition of the exclusion, has remained exactly the same between v2 and v3 and yet the logic of the eCQM has 2 additional functions and I'm trying to understand why?

      Thanks in advance for your guidance.



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            JLeflore Mathematica EH eCQM Team
            mparekhji Manish Parekhji
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