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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-6514

eCQM Safe Use of Opioids


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    • Kristin Ford
    • 4152091854
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      Thank you for your question regarding CMS506v5. We appreciate your comments and questions. The measure was originally tested with patients discharge to skilled nursing facilities included in the measure, we recognize these patients are under close medical management and will take your comments into consideration for future updates to the measure. Patients discharged to settings where they are not under direct close medical management and are on multiple opioids are at risk for complications, although this may be appropriate medical management for some patients. CMS recognizes this and the goal is not to score 0% of patients being discharged on multiple opioids or and opioid and benzodiazepine for this measure, rather the intent is to capture patients who are prescribed either of these combinations because they do put patients at risk for complications. We do appreciate your feedback, however currently, there are no plans to include limited usage following surgical procedures in this measure.
      Thank you for your question regarding CMS506v5. We appreciate your comments and questions. The measure was originally tested with patients discharge to skilled nursing facilities included in the measure, we recognize these patients are under close medical management and will take your comments into consideration for future updates to the measure. Patients discharged to settings where they are not under direct close medical management and are on multiple opioids are at risk for complications, although this may be appropriate medical management for some patients. CMS recognizes this and the goal is not to score 0% of patients being discharged on multiple opioids or and opioid and benzodiazepine for this measure, rather the intent is to capture patients who are prescribed either of these combinations because they do put patients at risk for complications. We do appreciate your feedback, however currently, there are no plans to include limited usage following surgical procedures in this measure.
    • CMS0506v5
    • Seeking information to respond to physician questions on the eCQM Safe Use of Opioid Measure

      I have two questions that have been brought up by physicians:

      Why are patients discharged to a Skilled Nursing Facility included in the measure?  At these facilities, licensed health care providers are administering opioids/benzodiazapines.  Our county has the highest % of elderly patients in our state & this causes our eCQM rate to be higher than other counties.

      Our facility also performs a high volume of orthopedic surgeries and patients are quickly discharged home with a small supply of two different opioids, with instructions for when to take each medication (i.e. pain scale 0-5, 6-10).  Are their any future plans to consider limited usage following surgical procedures (i.e. limiting the # of pills/duration of use)?

            JLeflore Mathematica EH eCQM Team
            kfordsh Kristin Ford
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