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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-6485

HH-01 measure CY 2023 -lab value confirmation


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    • Resolution: Answered
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      Thank you for your inquiry specific to CMS816v2 Hospital Harm – Severe Hypoglycemia. A value of 0 (or 0.00) mg/dL as the result of a glucose test is considered a valid result, so this result does meet the condition of a glucose result < 40 mg/dL for the measure. Thank you for confirming Cypress has passed this condition. We hope this answer is helpful.
      Thank you for your inquiry specific to CMS816v2 Hospital Harm – Severe Hypoglycemia. A value of 0 (or 0.00) mg/dL as the result of a glucose test is considered a valid result, so this result does meet the condition of a glucose result < 40 mg/dL for the measure. Thank you for confirming Cypress has passed this condition. We hope this answer is helpful.
    • CMS0816v2



      as per the measure condition , the blood glucose lab result  <40mg/dL, however need to confirm if 0 can also be considered in this case as its less than 40?

      attaching reference file (wherein the value is 0.00) and relevant snapshot of the measure condition from ecqm website.

      Also to mention, cypress has passed this condition in reference to this file–screenshot attached.

        1. Cypress snippet.png
          84 kB
          Manali Rohra
        2. CMS816v2 measure condition snippet.png
          61 kB
          Manali Rohra

            JLeflore Mathematica EH eCQM Team
            ManaliR Manali Rohra
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            3 Start watching this issue

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