Thank you for your question regarding STK-2 CMS104, Discharged on Antithrombotic Therapy. The intent of the numerator is "Inpatient hospitalizations for patients prescribed or continuing to take antithrombotic therapy at hospital discharge".
The following is the numerator logic:
TJC."Ischemic Stroke Encounter" IschemicStrokeEncounter
with "Antithrombotic Therapy at Discharge" DischargeAntithrombotic
such that DischargeAntithrombotic.authorDatetime during IschemicStrokeEncounter.relevantPeriod
If the medications are on the discharge medication list, and the discharge medication list was authored during the inpatient encounter, then the patients will meet the numerator.
Thank you for your question regarding STK-2 CMS104, Discharged on Antithrombotic Therapy. The intent of the numerator is "Inpatient hospitalizations for patients prescribed or continuing to take antithrombotic therapy at hospital discharge".
The following is the numerator logic:
TJC."Ischemic Stroke Encounter" IschemicStrokeEncounter
with "Antithrombotic Therapy at Discharge" DischargeAntithrombotic
such that DischargeAntithrombotic.authorDatetime during IschemicStrokeEncounter.relevantPeriod
If the medications are on the discharge medication list, and the discharge medication list was authored during the inpatient encounter, then the patients will meet the numerator.