Intent/Governance affecting more than 1 eCQM
Resolution: Answered
Rajeev Mishra
Citius Tech
The EHR technology submitted for certification to § 170.314(c)(1)is required to be capable of capturing the data elements specified in Data Element Catalogue (DEC) as required for each and every CQM for which the technology is to be certified.
In context of “Preventive Care and Screening: Screening for High Blood Pressure and Follow-Up Documented” (CMS22v1), measure specification includes following two lab test orders under numerator criteria:
1. Laboratory Test, Order: Laboratory Tests for Hypertension
2. Laboratory Test, Order: Electrocardiogram (ECG)
DEC also includes both Electrocardiogram (ECG) and Laboratory tests for Hypertension. Is it mandatory for a speciality EHR (e.g. Nephrology)to exhibit the capability of capturing all data elements mentioned in the DEC (for specific CQM) for EHR certification even if some data elements are not relevant to speciality/practice the EHR caters to? In context of above measure, since both the lab tests are part of numerator criteria connected by OR operator, would Cypress require EHR technology to demonstrate the capability of capturing both the lab tests for certification purpose even if one of them is not relevant to speciality EHR?