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  2. CQM-6222

CMS 117 - Childhood Immunization Status - DTAP-IPV mapped to CVX 130


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      ​Thank you for your inquiry for CMS117v11, Childhood Immunization Status (2023 Performance Period). The measure looks at vaccinations provided on or before the child's 2nd birthday. The code you referenced is not included in the measure because it is not used for individuals 2 years and younger.

      It is our understanding that the DTaP-IPV vaccine (e.g., Kinrix, Quadracel) is indicated for children 4-6 years of age. For example, CVX 130 maps to CPT code 90696 which is defined as "Diphtheria, tetanus toxoids, acellular pertussis vaccine and inactivated poliovirus vaccine (DTaP-IPV) when administered to children 4 years through 6 years of age, for intramuscular use.”
      ​Thank you for your inquiry for CMS117v11, Childhood Immunization Status (2023 Performance Period). The measure looks at vaccinations provided on or before the child's 2nd birthday. The code you referenced is not included in the measure because it is not used for individuals 2 years and younger. It is our understanding that the DTaP-IPV vaccine (e.g., Kinrix, Quadracel) is indicated for children 4-6 years of age. For example, CVX 130 maps to CPT code 90696 which is defined as "Diphtheria, tetanus toxoids, acellular pertussis vaccine and inactivated poliovirus vaccine (DTaP-IPV) when administered to children 4 years through 6 years of age, for intramuscular use.”
    • CMS0117v11
    • the two immunizations mapped to cvx 130 won't count as appropriate immunization for this measure

      I am in the process of mapping ecqm CMS117. We have two immunizations record for DTAP-IPV that are mapped to CVX 130 and it looks like CVX 130 is not part of the quality measure value set for this measure. We confirmed that 130 is appropriate and active by checking CDC. Can you please explain why 130 is not part of the value set for DTAP-IPV for measure CMS117?

            edave Mathematica EC eCQM Team
            rsteph01 Ruby Stephen (Inactive)
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