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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-6189

Measure Specifications eCQM


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      ​Thank you for your inquiry on CMS2v12: Preventative Care and Screening: Screening for Depression and Follow-up Plan.


      Only the most recent encounter where the patient was screened for depression should be used to determine numerator eligibility. Depression screening is required once per measurement period, and not at all encounters.


      ( "Patient Age 12 to 16 Years at Start of Measurement Period"
          and ( "Has Most Recent Adolescent Screening Negative"
              or exists "Most Recent Adolescent Depression Screening Positive and Follow Up Provided"
        or ( "Patient Age 17 Years at Start of Measurement Period"
            and ( "Has Most Recent Adolescent Screening Negative"
                or exists "Most Recent Adolescent Depression Screening Positive and Follow Up Provided"
                or "Has Most Recent Adult Screening Negative"
                or exists "Most Recent Adult Depression Screening Positive and Follow Up Provided"
        or ( "Patient Age 18 Years or Older at Start of Measurement Period"
            and ( "Has Most Recent Adult Screening Negative"
                or exists "Most Recent Adult Depression Screening Positive and Follow Up Provided"

      In the example you provided, Sally’s visit in January would be used to determine numerator eligibility because this is the most recent encounter where depression screening was performed.
      ​Thank you for your inquiry on CMS2v12: Preventative Care and Screening: Screening for Depression and Follow-up Plan.   Only the most recent encounter where the patient was screened for depression should be used to determine numerator eligibility. Depression screening is required once per measurement period, and not at all encounters. Numerator ( "Patient Age 12 to 16 Years at Start of Measurement Period"     and ( "Has Most Recent Adolescent Screening Negative"         or exists "Most Recent Adolescent Depression Screening Positive and Follow Up Provided"     ) )   or ( "Patient Age 17 Years at Start of Measurement Period"       and ( "Has Most Recent Adolescent Screening Negative"           or exists "Most Recent Adolescent Depression Screening Positive and Follow Up Provided"           or "Has Most Recent Adult Screening Negative"           or exists "Most Recent Adult Depression Screening Positive and Follow Up Provided"       )   )   or ( "Patient Age 18 Years or Older at Start of Measurement Period"       and ( "Has Most Recent Adult Screening Negative"           or exists "Most Recent Adult Depression Screening Positive and Follow Up Provided"       )   ) In the example you provided, Sally’s visit in January would be used to determine numerator eligibility because this is the most recent encounter where depression screening was performed.
    • CMS0002v12

      eCQM-2 v12 
      Based on the below also found here (https://ecqi.healthit.gov/sites/default/files/ecqm/measures/CMS2v12.html):
      Most Recent Adult Depression Screening Last(["Assessment, Performed": "Adult depression screening assessment"] AdultDepressionScreening with "Qualifying Encounter During Measurement Period" QualifyingEncounter such that Global."NormalizeInterval"(AdultDepressionScreening.relevantDatetime, AdultDepressionScreening.relevantPeriod)14 days or less on or before day of start of QualifyingEncounter.relevantPeriod and AdultDepressionScreening.result is not null sort by start of Global."NormalizeInterval"(relevantDatetime, relevantPeriod) ) 
      Our EMR vendor is interpreting the measure to mean a depression screening must be completed at each encounter in order to qualify for the numerator. Despite the measure guidance stating "Depression screening is required once per measurement period, not at all encounters."
      Example: Sally had qualifying encounter with a depression screening done in January. The result was negative so that put her in the numerator for the measurement period. Sally came back for a cold in March and had a qualifying encounter but did not have a depression screening completed. Because a screening wasn't completed at this visit in March Sally no longer qualifies for the numerator for the measurement period. Is this interpretation correct?

            edave Mathematica EC eCQM Team
            swindellt3 Tiara Swindell (Inactive)
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