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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-6178

2024 CMS 56 Partial hip arthroplasty does not match CRP


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      Thank you for your inquiry about CMS56v12 Functional Status Assessment for Total Hip Replacement. The logic for the 'Has Partial Hip Arthroplasty Procedure' definition was updated to use 'during day of' instead of 'starts on or before start of' which was originally proposed during CRP because the intent of this exclusion is to exclude patients with a partial hip arthroplasty procedure on the day of the total hip arthroplasty. Please note that measures are subject to changes after the CRP process due to additional technical input. The final version that is posted on the eCQI Resource Center is the correct version for reporting. In February of each year, vendors and implementers are invited to review proposed changes and provide feedback prior to publication of the new measure specifications in May: https://oncprojectracking.healthit.gov/support/browse/CQM-5913. We hope this helps.
      Thank you for your inquiry about CMS56v12 Functional Status Assessment for Total Hip Replacement. The logic for the 'Has Partial Hip Arthroplasty Procedure' definition was updated to use 'during day of' instead of 'starts on or before start of' which was originally proposed during CRP because the intent of this exclusion is to exclude patients with a partial hip arthroplasty procedure on the day of the total hip arthroplasty. Please note that measures are subject to changes after the CRP process due to additional technical input. The final version that is posted on the eCQI Resource Center is the correct version for reporting. In February of each year, vendors and implementers are invited to review proposed changes and provide feedback prior to publication of the new measure specifications in May: https://oncprojectracking.healthit.gov/support/browse/CQM-5913 . We hope this helps.
    • CMS0056v12

      CQL logic:

      Has Partial Hip Arthroplasty Procedure

      • exists ( ["Procedure, Performed": "Partial Arthroplasty of Hip"] PartialTHAProcedure
        with "Total Hip Arthroplasty Procedure" THAProcedure
        such that Global."NormalizeInterval" ( PartialTHAProcedure.relevantDatetime, PartialTHAProcedure.relevantPeriod ) during day of Global."NormalizeInterval" ( THAProcedure.relevantDatetime, THAProcedure.relevantPeriod )


      Denominator Exclusions description: Exclude patients with a partial hip arthroplasty procedure on the day of the total hip arthroplasty.


      CRP Recommendation from CQM-5711: Exclude patients with a partial hip arthroplasty procedure at any point in the patient's history before the start of the total hip arthroplasty.


      "Has Revision Hip Arthroplasty Procedure or Implanted Device or Prosthesis Removal Procedure" has the same issue.

            edave Mathematica EC eCQM Team
            GeorgeWu George Wu
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