EH/CAH eCQMs - Eligible Hospitals/Critical Access Hospitals
Resolution: Answered
Hi Team,
Consider the below part from IPP:
Encounter with Opioid Administration Outside of Operating Room :
"Qualifying Encounter" InpatientEncounter
with "Opioid Administration" OpioidGiven
such that Global."NormalizeInterval" ( OpioidGiven.relevantDatetime, OpioidGiven.relevantPeriod ) starts during Global."HospitalizationWithObservation" ( InpatientEncounter )
and not exists ( InpatientEncounter.facilityLocations EncounterLocation
where EncounterLocation.code ~ "Operating Room/Suite"
and Global."NormalizeInterval" ( OpioidGiven.relevantDatetime, OpioidGiven.relevantPeriod ) starts during EncounterLocation.locationPeriod
Query 1:
From the above statement, we understand that the operating room/ suite should be during Inpatient encounter ( IPadmit to IPdischarge). Kindly confirm our understanding.
Consider the below part from Numerator:
Encounter with Non-Enteral Opioid Antagonist Administration Outside of Operating Room and within 12 Hrs After Opioid
//Opioids administered before opioid antagonist AND excludes opioid antagonist administered in operating room AND limits opioid antagonist to non-enteral routes
from ["Medication, Administered": "Opioid Antagonist"] OpioidAntagonistGiven,
"Opioid Administration" OpioidGiven,
"Denominator" EncounterWithQualifyingAge
where not exists ( EncounterWithQualifyingAge.facilityLocations EncounterLocation
where EncounterLocation.code ~ "Operating Room/Suite"
and Global."NormalizeInterval" ( OpioidAntagonistGiven.relevantDatetime, OpioidAntagonistGiven.relevantPeriod )
starts during EncounterLocation.locationPeriod )
and ( Global."NormalizeInterval" ( OpioidAntagonistGiven.relevantDatetime, OpioidAntagonistGiven.relevantPeriod )
starts during Global."HospitalizationWithObservation" ( EncounterWithQualifyingAge )
and Global."NormalizeInterval" ( OpioidGiven.relevantDatetime, OpioidGiven.relevantPeriod )
starts during Global."HospitalizationWithObservation" ( EncounterWithQualifyingAge )
and Global."NormalizeInterval" ( OpioidGiven.relevantDatetime, OpioidGiven.relevantPeriod )
ends 12 hours or less before start of Global."NormalizeInterval" ( OpioidAntagonistGiven.relevantDatetime, OpioidAntagonistGiven.relevantPeriod )
and OpioidAntagonistGiven.route in "Routes of Administration for Opioid Antagonists"
return EncounterWithQualifyingAge
Query 2:
Also, we would like to understand the use of the statement "Global."NormalizeInterval" ( OpioidGiven.relevantDatetime, OpioidGiven.relevantPeriod )starts during Global."HospitalizationWithObservation" ( EncounterWithQualifyingAge )" in the numerator as it was part of IPP too. Also, do we need to consider it in numerator logic configuration?
Request you to provide us with the resolution urgently as our client deliverables are dependent on it.