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  2. CQM-6169

counting in CMS 117 does not match measure intent


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      ​Thank you for your inquiry about CMS117v12: Childhood Immunization Status. The intent of the measure is to include patients who have had either the Hib 3 dose regimens or Hib 4 dose regimens with different dates of service. The “All Hib Vaccinations” definition and the use of “distinct” operator in the “Has Appropriate Number of Hib Immunizations” definition should enforce counting only vaccinations on different dates of service in most instances. We will consider any updates to the logic in a future annual update cycle.
      ​Thank you for your inquiry about CMS117v12: Childhood Immunization Status. The intent of the measure is to include patients who have had either the Hib 3 dose regimens or Hib 4 dose regimens with different dates of service. The “All Hib Vaccinations” definition and the use of “distinct” operator in the “Has Appropriate Number of Hib Immunizations” definition should enforce counting only vaccinations on different dates of service in most instances. We will consider any updates to the logic in a future annual update cycle.
    • CMS0117v12
    • CMS0117v11
    • Measure logic may count more immunizations than intended.

      Example of counting in 2024 CMS 117:

      Has Appropriate Number of Hib Immunizations

      • exists ( "All Hib Vaccinations" HibImmunization //union of 3 and 4 dose immunizations
        //4 dose test
        let HasFourDose: Count("Hib 4 Dose Immunizations or Procedures")> 0
        where ( HasFourDose //if pt had at least one 4 dose code
        and Count(distinct("All Hib Vaccinations" HibVaccinations
        return Global."NormalizeInterval"(HibVaccinations.relevantDatetime, HibVaccinations.relevantPeriod)
        )>= 4 //pt must have 4 regimens (e.g., 3,3,4,4 or 4,3,4,4)
        or ( HasFourDose is false //if pt did not have at least one 4 dose code
        and Count(distinct("All Hib Vaccinations" HibVaccinations
        return Global."NormalizeInterval"(HibVaccinations.relevantDatetime, HibVaccinations.relevantPeriod)
        )>= 3 //pt must have 3 regimens of 3 dose codes

      Compare this with the numerator description:

      At least three HiB vaccinations, with different dates of service. Do not count a vaccination administered prior to 42 days after birth.

      If you have 2 Hib vaccinations on the same day, but at different times, they would both count. You need to enforce day precision here. Another example would be 2 vaccinations with no relevantDatetime, with the same relevantPeriod low time, but a different relevantPeriod high time.

      You should also consider counting datetimes instead of intervals in the unlikely case where relevantPeriod spans more than one day – maybe by taking the start of relevantPeriod.

            edave Mathematica EC eCQM Team
            GeorgeWu George Wu
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