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  2. CQM-6167

CMS 139 Screening for Future Fall Risk


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    • Resolution: Answered
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    • NyEela harney
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      ​Thank you for your question about screening tools that can be used for CMS139v12: Falls: Screening for Future Fall Risk. The Timed Up and Go (TUG) test is commonly used as a screening tool in an outpatient visit to assess fall risk and functional mobility. You are correct in that the Morse Fall Scale is a widely recognized tool used in the inpatient hospital setting to assess fall risk. However, if this tool is noted in an outpatient EHR, feel free to use it. You are free to use whatever screening tool that available to you.

      Ultimately, the choice of screening tool should be based on clinical judgment and the specific needs of the patient population being assessed. Including multiple options in the guidance allows healthcare providers to select the most appropriate tool based on their expertise and the available resources.
      ​Thank you for your question about screening tools that can be used for CMS139v12: Falls: Screening for Future Fall Risk. The Timed Up and Go (TUG) test is commonly used as a screening tool in an outpatient visit to assess fall risk and functional mobility. You are correct in that the Morse Fall Scale is a widely recognized tool used in the inpatient hospital setting to assess fall risk. However, if this tool is noted in an outpatient EHR, feel free to use it. You are free to use whatever screening tool that available to you. Ultimately, the choice of screening tool should be based on clinical judgment and the specific needs of the patient population being assessed. Including multiple options in the guidance allows healthcare providers to select the most appropriate tool based on their expertise and the available resources.
    • CMS0139v12
    • CMS0139v11
    • Morse Fall Scale is listed as a possible screening to use for this measures; however, Morse Fall Scale is typically used in the inpatient hospital setting and qualifying encounters for this measure are outpatient encounters, thus leading to confusion

      Included in the description of CMS measure 139, it states, "a specific screening tool is not required for this measure, however potential screening tools include the Morse Fall Scale and the timed Get-Up-And-Go test." Qualifying encounters for this measure ar outpatient encounters. https://ecqi.healthit.gov/ecqm/ec/2024/cms0139v12#quicktabs-tab-tabs_measure-0

      The Morse Fall Scale is typically used in the inpatient hospital setting. https://www.ahrq.gov/patient-safety/settings/hospital/fall-prevention/toolkit/morse-fall-scale.html 


            edave Mathematica EC eCQM Team
            nharney NyEela Harney
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