Thanks you for your question on CMS334, Cesarean Birth (PC-02).
Estimated gestational age (EGA) advances as each day passes. EGA is often reported as weeks and days. For this reason, the logic requires that the EGA be assessed in the 24 hour period prior to delivery to capture the most accurate EGA. If a patient is seen in the doctor’s office one week prior to delivery, the EGA in the documentation from that visit will be out of date at the time of delivery. Also note that the logic requires the relevant date/time/period of when the assessment of EGA was done and not when EGA was documented. The EGA can be documented after delivery. The assessment time and documentation time can be different times.
Thanks you for your question on CMS334, Cesarean Birth (PC-02).
Estimated gestational age (EGA) advances as each day passes. EGA is often reported as weeks and days. For this reason, the logic requires that the EGA be assessed in the 24 hour period prior to delivery to capture the most accurate EGA. If a patient is seen in the doctor’s office one week prior to delivery, the EGA in the documentation from that visit will be out of date at the time of delivery. Also note that the logic requires the relevant date/time/period of when the assessment of EGA was done and not when EGA was documented. The EGA can be documented after delivery. The assessment time and documentation time can be different times.