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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-6154

PC-02 (NTSV) Eligibility with Successful ECV


    • Icon: EH/CAH eCQMs EH/CAH eCQMs
    • Resolution: Answered
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    • Luminis Health
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      Thank you for your question. A breech presentation code listed on the encounter will exclude the patient from the denominator if a successful version occurs on the same encounter. Our clinical staff has indicated that typically a version is done around 37 weeks gestation and then the patient is readmitted later in the pregnancy for delivery. In this situation, the breech diagnosis code would not be on the delivery encounter and therefore, this would not be an issue.
      Thank you for your question. A breech presentation code listed on the encounter will exclude the patient from the denominator if a successful version occurs on the same encounter. Our clinical staff has indicated that typically a version is done around 37 weeks gestation and then the patient is readmitted later in the pregnancy for delivery. In this situation, the breech diagnosis code would not be on the delivery encounter and therefore, this would not be an issue.
    • CMS0334v4
    • Clarification desired

      Hello- I'm curious to know in the instance when an encounter arrives with breech presentation then undergoes a successful ECV procedure, does that encounter become eligible for the PC-02 measure? These encounters maintain ICD-10 diagnosis codes that are on the exclusion list (Table Number 11.09: Multiple Gestations and Other Presentations), though that can be deceiving seeing a breech diagnosis code when the baby was actually delivered in the vertex position d/t successful ECV. Thanks for the clarification.

            JLeflore Mathematica EH eCQM Team
            aforrester Andrea Forrester (Inactive)
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