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  2. CQM-6101

Cologuard for Colorectal Cancer Screening MIPS-Registry 113


    • Icon: EC eCQMs EC eCQMs
    • Resolution: Answered
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    • Angie Stohs
    • 5736325585
    • Integrative Medicine LLC
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      ​​Thank you for your inquiry for CMS130v11, Colorectal Cancer Screening. FIT-DNA tests during the measurement period or the two years prior to the measurement period would qualify for the Numerator criteria.
      In the measure specification, qualifying FIT-DNA tests are defined by the codes listed in the following value set "FIT DNA", i.e., LOINC 77353-1 (Noninvasive colorectal cancer DNA and occult blood screening [Interpretation] in Stool Narrative) and LOINC 77354-9 (Noninvasive colorectal cancer DNA and occult blood screening [Presence] in Stool), which may be used for, but are not limited to, the branded Cologuard FIT-DNA test. Equivalent services can be mapped to the measure's value sets. If mapping is done, you should maintain documentation in case of a CMS audit.
      ​​Thank you for your inquiry for CMS130v11, Colorectal Cancer Screening. FIT-DNA tests during the measurement period or the two years prior to the measurement period would qualify for the Numerator criteria. In the measure specification, qualifying FIT-DNA tests are defined by the codes listed in the following value set "FIT DNA", i.e., LOINC 77353-1 (Noninvasive colorectal cancer DNA and occult blood screening [Interpretation] in Stool Narrative) and LOINC 77354-9 (Noninvasive colorectal cancer DNA and occult blood screening [Presence] in Stool), which may be used for, but are not limited to, the branded Cologuard FIT-DNA test. Equivalent services can be mapped to the measure's value sets. If mapping is done, you should maintain documentation in case of a CMS audit.
    • CMS0130v11
    • Our providers primairly order Cologuard now vs. Colonoscopies, as appropriate. A patient is more likely to be compliant with Cologuard vs. a colonoscopy.

      This is the first time for our clinic qualified to do MIPS and all that's involoved.  In information I could find, it seems Cologuard is not directly stated, but it is similar to FIT-DNA.  As a covered benefit by Medicare it seems it would be an acceptable form of documentation for Colorectal Cancer Screening.  Patients do seem to be more receptative to doing the Cologuard, as appropriate, vs. a full colonoscopy. 

      We are with eClinicalWorks and they submit on our behalf. 

            edave Mathematica EC eCQM Team
            astohs Angie Stohs (Inactive)
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