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    • Nicole Cuppy
    • 7022412719
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      Thank you for your inquiry about CMS125v11 (2023 Performance Period). To answer your first question, to be eligible for the initial population, patients must be 52-74 years of age by the end of the measurement period. The measure's description indicates the age range of 50-74 because it includes the lowest age captured in the measure taking into account the look-back period.

      With regards to your second question, it is unclear what value set or part of the measure you are referring to. CPT codes are used in both submission types (CQM and eCQM) of the measure to identify qualifying encounters. You can review the value sets/codes required of the eCQM in the Value Set Authority Center (VSAC) at https://vsac.nlm.nih.gov/valueset/expansions?pr=ecqm&rel=eCQM%20Update%202022-05-05&q=CMS125v11. For reporting of measures, you need to use the specifications for the type of measure you are reporting on.

      In regard to your last question, there are many factors that can impact the submission type(s) available for any given measure and we cannot speak to why eCQMs are not available for every measure. In some situations, it may be that the information required for reporting the measure is not consistently available in discrete coded fields within the EHR which is a requirement for eCQM reporting.
      Thank you for your inquiry about CMS125v11 (2023 Performance Period). To answer your first question, to be eligible for the initial population, patients must be 52-74 years of age by the end of the measurement period. The measure's description indicates the age range of 50-74 because it includes the lowest age captured in the measure taking into account the look-back period. With regards to your second question, it is unclear what value set or part of the measure you are referring to. CPT codes are used in both submission types (CQM and eCQM) of the measure to identify qualifying encounters. You can review the value sets/codes required of the eCQM in the Value Set Authority Center (VSAC) at https://vsac.nlm.nih.gov/valueset/expansions?pr=ecqm&rel=eCQM%20Update%202022-05-05&q=CMS125v11 . For reporting of measures, you need to use the specifications for the type of measure you are reporting on. In regard to your last question, there are many factors that can impact the submission type(s) available for any given measure and we cannot speak to why eCQMs are not available for every measure. In some situations, it may be that the information required for reporting the measure is not consistently available in discrete coded fields within the EHR which is a requirement for eCQM reporting.
    • CMS0125v11

      I have 3 questions:

      1. For  CMS125v11 Breast Cancer screening; why does the age in the description and the initial population not match?

      2.  When reviewing eCQM vs MIPS CQM specifications, the CPT codes are no longer listed on the eCQM but are on the CQM


      3.) Why do some measures only have and eCQM and others have both MIPS CQM and eCQM

      My understanding is it is important to use the eCQM specifications when attesting electronically


      Thanks for your help,



        1. CQM.png
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        2. ecQM.png
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            edave Mathematica EC eCQM Team
            nicole.cuppy@varian.com Nicole Cuppy (Inactive)
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