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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-5937

'One resulted encounter finding' for CMS56v11


    • Icon: EC eCQMs EC eCQMs
    • Resolution: Answered
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    • April Campbell
    • 5312551498
    • MD West ONE
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      Thank you for your inquiry for CMS56v11 Functional Status Assessment for Total Hip Replacement. The intent of the measure is to look for the functional status assessment to be completed. The HOOS Jr tool is scored by summing the raw response and converting it to an interval score. As per the CQL logic, this measure requires a functional status assessment via QDM datatype "Assessment, Performed" using the direct reference code "Total interval score [HOOSJR]", and requires a non-null test result using QDM attribute "Result". A non-null result can be interpreted as a result that is present in the electronic record in which any entry is acceptable; no specific value or code is required.
      Thank you for your inquiry for CMS56v11 Functional Status Assessment for Total Hip Replacement. The intent of the measure is to look for the functional status assessment to be completed. The HOOS Jr tool is scored by summing the raw response and converting it to an interval score. As per the CQL logic, this measure requires a functional status assessment via QDM datatype "Assessment, Performed" using the direct reference code "Total interval score [HOOSJR]", and requires a non-null test result using QDM attribute "Result". A non-null result can be interpreted as a result that is present in the electronic record in which any entry is acceptable; no specific value or code is required.
    • CMS0056v11
    • More of a question that an impact affecting our team.

      The numerator criteria for CMS56v11 states: HOOSJr Assessment: To qualify for this category, the patient must have at least one resulted encounter finding based on MEDCIN ID 383730. But when looking at the HOOSJr Assessment Tool - there is the raw score, interval score and interval score change. Which is considered the 'One resulted encounter finding'? Would it be the raw score? The interval score change does not come into play until the patients last visit - after surgery - and between 270-365 days post THA.

            edave Mathematica EC eCQM Team
            acampbellMDWO April Campbell (Inactive)
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