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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-5911

CMS145 Clarity of amount of visits needed and are those visits provider specific


    • Icon: EC eCQMs EC eCQMs
    • Resolution: Answered
    • Icon: Moderate Moderate
    • None
    • None
    • Kim Pope
    • Greenway Health
    • CMS0145v11
    • Need clairty of the amount of visits needed in order for the provider(s) to meet this measure

      Clarification whether there are more than 2 visits needed for this measure and of those visits are they provider specific or can the patient be seen by another provider?


      2 qualifying encounters during the measurement period seen by the same provider


      1 Qualfying CAD encounter seen by the same provider or can it be another provider?

      3 total


      2 qualifying encounters and 1 of them has to the the Qualifying Cad encounter

      Initial Population

      • AgeInYearsAt(date from start of "Measurement Period")>= 18
        and Count("Qualifying Encounter During Measurement Period")>= 2
        and ( exists "Qualifying CAD Encounter" )


      • Outpatient Encounter During Measurement Period *

      • ( ["Encounter, Performed": "Office Visit"]
        union ["Encounter, Performed": "Outpatient Consultation"]
        union ["Encounter, Performed": "Care Services in Long-Term Residential Facility"]
        union ["Encounter, Performed": "Home Healthcare Services"]
        union ["Encounter, Performed": "Nursing Facility Visit"] ) QualifyingEncounter
        where QualifyingEncounter.relevantPeriod during "Measurement Period" 

      • Qualifying CAD Encounter *

      • "Coronary Artery Disease Encounter"
        union "History of Cardiac Surgery"



            edave Mathematica EC eCQM Team
            kimpope Kim (Inactive)
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