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  2. CQM-5802

CMS771v4-AUA Symptom Index and Quality of Life Assessment Result


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      Thank you for your question regarding the IP for CMS771v4, Urinary Symptom Score Change 6-12 Months After Diagnosis of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Generally, a Tuple is a mechanism to store multiple items in a single container. It is comparable to a record in a database table (e.g., a single Encounter in an Encounter table that has multiple fields like code, start date, end date, etc.). In CQL, Tuples can be returned naturally as part of a query or can be constructed dynamically based on different pieces of data. This data is then used in by other expressions in the CQL library. For more information, please refer to section 4.3 Structured Values (Tuples) (https://cql.hl7.org/02-authorsguide.html#structured-values-tuples) in the CQL specification.


      In CMS 771, the Tuple expression in the AUA Symptom Index and Quality of Life Assessment Result definition is used to hold the assessment datetime of a qualifying AUSAI assessment and the related result value based on the addition of the qualifying AUSAI assessment value and the last score for the QOL Assessment related to the patient’s response to the question - If you were to spend the rest of your life with your urinary condition just the way it is now, how would you feel about that [IPSS]? This tuple is then used in the Urinary Symptom Score Assessment definition, which is used in other places within the measure.
      Thank you for your question regarding the IP for CMS771v4, Urinary Symptom Score Change 6-12 Months After Diagnosis of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Generally, a Tuple is a mechanism to store multiple items in a single container. It is comparable to a record in a database table (e.g., a single Encounter in an Encounter table that has multiple fields like code, start date, end date, etc.). In CQL, Tuples can be returned naturally as part of a query or can be constructed dynamically based on different pieces of data. This data is then used in by other expressions in the CQL library. For more information, please refer to section 4.3 Structured Values (Tuples) ( https://cql.hl7.org/02-authorsguide.html#structured-values-tuples ) in the CQL specification.   In CMS 771, the Tuple expression in the AUA Symptom Index and Quality of Life Assessment Result definition is used to hold the assessment datetime of a qualifying AUSAI assessment and the related result value based on the addition of the qualifying AUSAI assessment value and the last score for the QOL Assessment related to the patient’s response to the question - If you were to spend the rest of your life with your urinary condition just the way it is now, how would you feel about that [IPSS]? This tuple is then used in the Urinary Symptom Score Assessment definition, which is used in other places within the measure.
    • CMS0771v4

      Hi Team,

      We have a query regarding Initial Population criteria for CMS771v4:

      Consider below section from the measure:

      AUA Symptom Index and Quality of Life Assessment Result
      ["Assessment, Performed": "American Urological Association Symptom Index [AUASI]"] AUASIAssessment
        let LastQOLOnDate: Last(["Assessment, Performed": "If you were to spend the rest of your life with your urinary condition just the way it is now, how would you feel about that [IPSS]"] QOLAssessment
            where Global.EarliestOf(QOLAssessment.relevantDatetime, QOLAssessment.relevantPeriod)same day as Global.EarliestOf(AUASIAssessment.relevantDatetime, AUASIAssessment.relevantPeriod)
              and QOLAssessment.result is not null
            sort by Global.EarliestOf(relevantDatetime, relevantPeriod)
        where AUASIAssessment.result is not null
          and LastQOLOnDate.result is not null
        return Tuple

      {     assessmentDatetime: Global.EarliestOf ( AUASIAssessment.relevantDatetime, AUASIAssessment.relevantPeriod ),     result: ( AUASIAssessment.result as Integer ) + ( LastQOLOnDate.result as Integer )   }

      Query 1: 
      What is the significance of return Tuple?
      return Tuple

      {     assessmentDatetime: Global.EarliestOf ( AUASIAssessment.relevantDatetime, AUASIAssessment.relevantPeriod ),     result: ( AUASIAssessment.result as Integer ) + ( LastQOLOnDate.result as Integer )   }

      Query 2: How to break down and read such sections of the measure where 'return Tuple' functionality is listed?

      Kindly assist us on the above queries urgently as client deliverables are dependent upon it.



            edave Mathematica EC eCQM Team
            AkashP Akash Pawar
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