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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-5761

CMS 334 valuesets Expansion version clarification.


    • Icon: EH/CAH eCQMs EH/CAH eCQMs
    • Resolution: Answered
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      Hello and thank you for the inquiry. As CMS334v4/PC-02 Cesarean Birth will be included for 2023 reporting, this measure is no longer considered pre-rulemaking. Downloadable information for this measure is now located on the Eligible Hospital/Critical Access Hospital eCQMs page under the ‘eCQM Resources’ tab for the 2023 reporting period (see ‘EH/CAH Pre-Rulemaking Value Sets CMS334’). We hope this helps.
      Hello and thank you for the inquiry. As CMS334v4/PC-02 Cesarean Birth will be included for 2023 reporting, this measure is no longer considered pre-rulemaking. Downloadable information for this measure is now located on the Eligible Hospital/Critical Access Hospital eCQMs page under the ‘eCQM Resources’ tab for the 2023 reporting period (see ‘EH/CAH Pre-Rulemaking Value Sets CMS334’). We hope this helps.
    • CMS0334v4

      Hi team,

      For CMS 334 eCQM, we have been using the valueset zip file https://ecqi.healthit.gov/sites/default/files/EH-CAH-PRE-VALUESET-CMS334v4-2022-05.zip provided in the eCQM Resources section. Can you please let us know which expansion version should be used for 2023 Measure release as it is no more a Pre-rule making measure.


      Shravanthi S

            JLeflore Mathematica EH eCQM Team
            SS056651 Shravanthi S (Inactive)
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